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in which the beach begins to become problematic.


you and chishiya walked into the executives room, you didn't have a clue what they were going to talk about but you were just going to sit through it. you pulled a chair out for chishiya and moved yours closer to his with a love sick smile on your face. he would never admit it aloud, but he loved when you did stupidly small things like that.

a few moments passed and nearly all the required people were there. you noticed arisu walk in, shakin' in his boots. it almost looked as if he was going to piss himself. you smiled at him once he met your eyes and you could see chishiya send a small wave towards him. you could tell chishiya enjoyed the moment of surprise arisu expressed when he recognized him.

"two of spades" mira spoke up first, smoothly cutting through the silence. "six of spades, four of diamonds, and two of clubs." she placed the four cards down in front of hatter. "we've collected them all." she walks to her seat, continuing. "until now, we still haven't found any face cards." she added. "if  face cards do not exist," hatter says next. "then we're only left with the ten of hearts." he finished. you put your arm against the table, resting your head on your hand. "it's never appeared in a game before." you mumbled, just loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"f it doesn't appear, we can't clear it," Ann adds to your words, her eyes focused on the table. "maybe there needs to be a condition for it to appear." you theorized.  "i dont care what the conditions or where it will appear. just keep looking for the ten of hearts."
he wipes a hand over his mouth and you quirk an eyebrow.

is it time? "i need to replenish my visa soon." it is.
there's a look shared between aguni and niragi that makes you sure of your predictions. chishiya watched you smirk in your seat, eyes trying to figure out what you were thinking.

"there's a way to earn visa days for sure." mira speaks, shutting the book of cards she had picked up. "is that so?" hatter had leaned forward with interest. "heart games.." she drops her mouth the dramatize her words. "let you toy with the hearts and emotions of others." her sick smile widened. "if you bring along those you don't mind dying, you'll survive without a doubt." she and hatter turned towards arisu, him being the one to clear a high-leveled heart game, besides you.

He shrinks under the pressure, looking so scared that you jump into the conversation. "but would a heart game appear so conveniently?" he reminded you of a kitten, it was almost cute. "on top of that, we won't know what type of game it is until after registration closes." ann adds and her point is completely correct.

"but we should be able to deduce it based on the probability theory." keiichi says, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. hatter slams his hand down, shutting everyone into silence. "i don't need such a pretentious investigation method," he says and pushes himself from his chair. "i'll join the next game. be it heart or spades! someone like me with a one-hundred percent winning rate will clear it easily." he boasts and you had to stop yourself from scoffing at his cockyness.

chishiya had a similar reaction. "executive members, i'm counting on you guys to oversee things here." he says, turning back to the table with a king-like grin. "i'll join the games until the ten of hearts card appears!" he declared. people like him made you sick to your stomach.


if it wasnt for chishiya's plan you would've been more than fine to answer the questions arisu had. if he was this curious you had questioned why he hadn't just looked for you if he wanted information. regardless of this, it was important to the plan that arisu's questions weren't answered until it took place. his curiosity got the best of him so it wasnt a coincidence once he stumbled upon a dumpster full of decaying bodies. this all led to ending up in chishiya's hands. this wasnt a coincidence either.

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