- Chapter 19: Our First Date -

Start from the beginning

"Hello how i can help you?" The waitress said still biting her lip while looking at Enzo

"Me and gorgeous wife are here for our date so stop looking at me like that" He said angrily and she rolls her eyes as she walks away

"Table or a booth darling?" He asks me softly

"A booth, so we can have some privacy" I said smiling up at him

"Good idead baby girl" He said as he walks me over to the closest empty booth and helps me sit down

"Fuck sake" I mutter when i see Matt is the bartender and i see the Mikaelson's sat at a table not far away from us looking directly at me

"What's wrong?" Enzo asked worriedly

"Their here, did you not see them?" I said and asked tilting my head

"No i didn't see them darling because i was to busy looking at the gorgeous lady i have sitting beside me, dont let them looking ruin our date" He said making me blush

"I won't let anything ruin our day" I said smiling at him

"Hello, are you ready for me to take your order?" Matt asked now standing infront of us making me want to rip his heart right out his chest

"Two of the day's special, two bourbons and two cokes" Enzo said glaring at Matt who is looking m up and down

"Is that everything" Matt asked staring at my boobs making me shiver in disgust

"Yes, now leave before i rip you limb from limb for looking at what is mine" Enzo said angrily and him being so protective is such a turn on

"Yes sir" Matt said then practically ran to the bar making me laugh loudly

"Beautiful" Enzo muttered as he looked at me with love in his eyes


"Leave now! I'm having my first date win my mate and it won't be ruined by the likes of you. Walk away before i make you regret coming over to me" I cut Klaus off who is stood infront of the booth

"That is no way to talk to you uncle Eva, apologises now" Elijh said crossing his arms beside Klaus

"Hell will literally have to freeze over before i apologies to his ass, he is not my uncle and you are not my father so don't tell me what to do" I said angrily

"Apologise, now!" Elijah said angrily

"I'm sorry your pathetic excuse of a family will be dancing in hell if you do not leave in the next ten seconds" I said standing up while summoning a white oak stake

"You have magic!?" Kol said in shock

"What the bloody hell" Rebekah said looking at me wide eyed

"You heard Eva, leave now" Enzo said standing beside me

"This is not over Eva" Elijah said pointing at me

"It was over the day i told you to leave me alone" I said pointing the white oak stake at him

They take one last look at me and the white oak stake then walk back to their table with defeated look on their faces, i make the stake disappear and sit back down with a sigh. They just had to ruin my first ever date didn't they? Why couldn't they have just left me alone like i asked them too. Matt comes over and places our order on the table with shaking hands then runs back to the bar making Enzo laugh. I wanted to laugh too, but that god for saken family had to ruin my mood with there effort to talk to me. I'm brought out my thoughts when Enzo cup's my face with his hands thrn slams his lips on mine kissing me with so much passion it makes my knees feel weak.

"Don't. Let. Them. Ruin. This. Baby. Girl" He said in-between pecking my lips

"Okay, okay i won't" I said in-between giggles

"Good because i won't have them making you sad anymore. They had upset you enough and now it's time for your to finally be happy" He said then hands me a glass of bourbon

"To our life together" He said clinking his glass against mine

"Our life together" I said as i hear Rebekah start to have ago at Klaus

"Why did you do that klaus? Can't you see she is having a date and she told us to leave her alone! You and Elijah have ruined the chance of me and Kol ever having a chance to have a bond with our niece. You both need to leave her the blood hell alone like she asked because if you don't i will personally kill you both" Rebekah asked angrily

"We just want he to be apart of the family Rebekah" Klaus said sadly

"She told us she wants nothing to do with us, so respect her decision before it gets you killed" Kol said angrily

"Darling stop listening and enjoy yourself" Enzo said softly


A/n: The smutt chapter is next, who's ready for daddy Enzo!!🤤🥵

A/n: The smutt chapter is next, who's ready for daddy Enzo!!🤤🥵

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