"what had once been his worst fear"

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(CW: christianity references including implied religious mania/trauma, derealization/dissociation if you really dig into the characters' thoughts and beliefs)

Fyodor had lost count of how many days he'd been in prison. He'd never cared much for it, if he had to be honest, but counting was a way to keep himself entertained.

In fact, no other prisoners were interested in engaging in a conversation with him. There were only a few other people in his side of Meursault, and most of them were physically far from him. He didn't mind the silence, it gave him time to enjoy the company of himself and his thoughts.

He didn't question the plan, or how it was going. Perhaps his coworkers weren't the most intelligent people on the planet, but the one thing all of the Decay of Angels members had in common was that they were pathetic, selfish human beings. Fyodor had always known that, and he'd used that information to his advantage.

Fyodor firmly believed in God, and in everything that came with it. He was deeply devoted to the human race, he adored every single human with all his heart.

That was the reason why he wanted to save the children of God from the ability users. He was sure that, given enough time, they would become more and more arrogant, to the point that they would believe they were superior and they would challenge his Lord.

Fyodor couldn't let that happen, he didn't care what the cost would be. He would have sacrificed his life for the humans' sake, following Jesus' example.

He could have died a martyr and, in the last agonizing moments of his cursed existence, he would have smiled and thanked God for choosing him as his servant.

So Fyodor had started recruiting people. He only selected a few, but it didn't matter. He wasn't looking for quantity, he just wanted them to serve their — his — purpose.

The easiest to convince had been Fukuchi. The man already thought he was better than everyone, and Fyodor happily let him believe it. He even allowed him to call himself the leader of the organization. As long as he did his job, Fyodor didn't care.

Sigma hadn't been as easy to manipulate, but Fyodor knew what he had to do. The human mind is extremely fragile, even more if it's the mind of someone who has always given and never received. History repeats itself and, just like Eve eating the forbidden fruit, Sigma had accepted to use his powers for the sake of having the casinò. For the sake of feeling loved.

Mushitarou had been trapped into the plan. Fyodor had made sure not to leave him any choice but agree to partecipate.

And of course, how could Fyodor forget Nikolai. The most intriguing person he had ever met.

In opposition to the other members of the Decay, he had left Fyodor speechless, and not only once.

The first time Fyodor had lost his breath because of Nikolai was when they'd had their first conversation. He remembered Nikolai mentioning that he didn't care about his mortal life, it wasn't enough, he wanted more. He needed more.

For the first time in his life, Fyodor's heart had been touched. Nikolai was a person he couldn't figure out, because he seemed to be indifferent to all sorts of temptations. There was not a single thing in his world that Nikolai wanted, if not a freedom Fyodor couldn't provide.

And so, Fyodor had created a new temptation for Nikolai and Nikolai only. The payment he offered him for his services to the Decay of Angels was his company, and an open mind that was ready to listen and understand what Nikolai had to say.

Nikolai had accepted, and Fyodor's heart had beaten for the second time.

Of course, Nikolai didn't waste the gift he'd received. He seemed to know how incredible it was that Fyodor sacrificed so much for him, and he always showed his respect for that.

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