Chapter two- The air conditioner

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Sid's POV,

I saw a slim young fellow with fiery red hair and ocean eyes. He was around 6'1 and an absolute smoke show. He stood in front of us. "Hello there! You must be the famous Sid. It's so nice to finally get to meet you! Hahaha!" He said loudly with a chuckle (more like just exclaiming the sound "ha" over and over). I turned to Connie. "You've got to be fucking joking." "Sid this is Childe."

"Connie brought your stuff here. They're all still in boxes. I can help you unpack, since we're sharing a room and what not." He said grinning ear to ear. I turned to my sibling. I said nothing, I just stared with contempt. I said looking back at Childe "I'm good, thanks for the offer."

Time skip to that evening

I stood on the back porch. The house was at the edge of a corn field and about a half mile from any neighbours. The sun was just about to disappear behind the vast horizon and everything was adorned with fleeting golden light.

"Hey, jailbird." Childe said, standing in the doorway. I didn't respond. I wasn't planning on being random couch surfer's buddy. There was silence between us for a moment. "I went to jail once." I was a bit shocked by his words. "Who the fuck starts a conversation like that!?" I exclaimed. He stared at me wide eyed. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I get why I would startle him. I can get loud. Really loud. "What did you do?" I asked. "Ummmm.... Treason, assault, arson, grand theft auto, battery on a police officer..." he was listing offences for a couple minutes. "....Intentional infliction of emotional destress, and reckless endangerment. So how about you."

"Lmao. meth. How did you even get out?" I asked. "Well, ya see, you siblings law professor was my lawyer and he got me out. The he suggested I live with Connie, so everything worked out." He told me. "Woah. Teehee... you know what? you're not that bad." I say giggling. Before he could answer, an air conditioning unit fell on Childe, knocking him unconscious. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!?'!!!'?!??"
I exclaimed. "WOAH WHATS GOING ON?" Connie said bursting through the door. They looked down at Childe's body in horror. They promptly picked him up. "We need to get him to a doctor! Come on i know a guy!" They said.

/ A/N why tf are you here? Also TY Aku and Sid for your support I couldn't do this without y'all.

Making waves (Sid x Childe fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora