"Anything you boys want? I'll get y'all some snacks for the trouble." 

Cartman and Kenny threw a hand up in the air in excitement and ran off to another Aisle to get who knows what while the others stayed With you and occasionally grabbed something.  "Hey can you one of you go grab me milk?" Kyle and Stan played rock paper scissors to decide then Kyle ended up putting papers to scissors so he walked away dejected after giving Stan the finger.

"So Kyle's the sore loser type?" Stan laughed "Yeah basically but I mean isn't everyone?" You definitely had to agree with that.

"Out of the way loser!" Cartman knocked you away and dumped a load of snacks in the cart while Kenny only had some candy bars and cookies.

"Thank you for the snacks M'lady" Kenny smiled

"You're welcome Ken" Your eyes softened at his smile, you could tell how happy he was.

"Stop eye fucking each other and hurry up this is lame." Cartman complained 

"Almost done" Your rolled your eyes at him 

You grabbed a few more items then walked up to the cash register, you ended up with over 300 dollars of groceries but pretty worth it. 

After the boys sorted out their snacks you looked at all the left over bags and sighed, how were you supposed to get all this home?

"Need help?" Kyle asked while picking up a few bags "Yes please" You gave the other guys puppy dog eyes since there was still a lot of bags left, Stan and Kenny Picked up a few while Cartman ignored you.

"Cartmannnnnn I bought you snacks so could you please just help with this?" You whined

"Fine but you owe me." He grabbed a handful and you grabbed the rest then you finally were on your way home. 

After a long silent walk you all arrived at your house "Mom! I'm home and we have company!" She walked into the living room and took the bags from your hands. "Who are these gentleman? Oh wait your the neighbors kid right, Kyle was it? Who are these other gentleman?" 

"Mom these are Stan, Cartman, and Kenny. They showed me around and helped carry the groceries home." 

"Oh well thank you, why y'all are such nice boys. I'm glad Y/n has such handsome friends." 

Kenny giggled at that and you glared at him knowing what he was thinking 

"Well boys, you can stay for dinner if you'd like I'm cooking plently."

"Sorry ma'am I have to get home, seeya Y/n!" 

Stan looked at the time and had to leave as well "Bye guys! It was nice meeting you Y/n"

"Nice meeting you too!"

You Cartman and Kenny just stared at each other in silence "So uh.. You guys staying?"

"Wellllll if you insist I guess I could stay" Cartman replied then made himself at home at your dinner table.

Kenny also sat down while you went in the kitchen to help out. You made some classic mac & cheese and potatoes while your mom put some steak in the oven.

"Can you set the table? I'll bring the food out in a minute." You grabbed some plates and silver ware and carried them to the table.

"If you don't like the food that's not my problem." 

You gave them their plates and silver ware and set your own table space while your mom came in with the food.

Your dad took his place at the table and grabbed some steak. "So who are the guys?" 

"Dad this is Kenny and Cartman, they're my new friends.. Well at least Kenny is."

"Well I'm glad you're making friends already. At least you won't be alone when school starts."

While eating you noticed Kenny slipping some of the food away but didn't question it 

Dinner was pretty quiet for the most part other than your parents asking the boys questions but it was time for them to leave now. 

"Bye boys! Hope to see you again soon!" 

"Bye Kenny, Seeya Cartman." 

Kenny waved bye while Cartman just walked off.

"So Y/n what do you think about those boys? I for one would not have a problem with you dating any of them." 

"Mommmmm you know I'm not interested in dating."

"I know sweetie but you know things can change."

"I'm going to bed goodnight mom, dad."

You walked upstairs and entered your room

No way you would fall for one of those guys... Right ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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