Episode 1 Part 2

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"And machine washable dahling, that's a new feature."

Fran puts down her cup of coffee and looks at Edna, realizing now that Edna also made the children a new suit. "What on Earth do you think my babies will be doing?"

"Well, I'm sure I don't know dahling. Luck favors the prepared, so you gotta go with the basics. And if the mission is not intense, you'll look fabulous in the suits anyway." Fran looks at her confused. "But were not-WOAH!"

The platform quickly returns to the other end, and Edna begins explaining other modifications to the family's outfits.

Next to move down is a mannequin covered in thin padding. "On the underside is a thin but extremely effective padding that allows someone to survive hitting a hard surface at terminal velocity."

Next up is a thin metal frame that has the outline of a shoe, with a flat bottom surface. "This device is built into all your shoes and allows one to leap at great distances," The device then springs up in the air and back down onto the display table.

Next up is a normal spandex suit that has pockets. "The side pockets function like a backpack where they are bigger on the inside so you can fit all gadgets in it."

Next is a metal block on a table. "This right here is a superalloy block I have fused with the spandex. It's made from titanium, copper, aluminum, and uranium as well, but is still safe to handle." A device is deployed from the ceiling, and it levitates the block in midair. "This block is also virtually indestructible." Just then, two small missiles are raised and fire at the block. After the smoke clears, the block is shown to be undamaged. "Yet the suit still feels and breathes like Egyptian cotton."

Fran is looking at the modifications in shock. "Dios mío," she mutters.

The platform then moves back and shows a table that has a small dot on it. "And as a final feature, each outfit contains a homing device, which will give you each other's precise dimensional location at the touch of a button."

Edna then hands Fran a tracker that is linked to the example homing device. "As you'll see when you press the button, it'll show you the example homing device." Fran presses the button and the tracker screen turns on and zooms into Edna's dimension and shows the location of the example homing device.

Edna turns to Fran as all of the outfit modifications are lined up in front of them. "Well, dahling, what do you think?"

Fran scoffs, "What do I think?! 3 THINGS! Número Uno, Sofie take your brother to the living room. Número dos all these modifications are unnecessary. I mean, why do we need that mu-AH!"

As Fran stands up and puts the tracker on the table, she covers her ears when she accidentally presses a button that causes the tracker and the homing device in the testing chamber to beep loudly and fast for a few seconds. "Yes, don't press the ping button dahling, it's really loud."

"See what I mean! And that leads me to número tres. MY KIDS ARE KIDS! NOT SUPERS and neither am I! SO WE CAN'T WEAR THESE NEW SUITS BECAUSE WE AREN'T GOING ON A MISSION! Egyptian cotton you say? Wait What am I saying? THIS IS NUTS!"

As Fran breathes heavily from her outrage, Edna gives her a surprised look. "Well, I assumed you knew dahling." Edna then turns around and looks down at the ground.

"Of course how would you know?"

Fran gives Edna a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

"Ever since the war started many unnatural occurrences have been happening dahling," said Edna.

Fran gives Edna a questionable look. "Yeah the supers and their powers are a bit recent but what does that have to do with us?"

"Well you never know when an earthquake could hit, a fire, jungle animals, or dangerous criminals..."

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