The recipe :)

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So let's begin!!

Before we start, get your cups, bowls, and fork/spoon/whatever you're using ready so it's less of a mess! :)

You need to dump one pack of unflavoured gelatin in the bowl, and 2 tea spoons of sugar.
(Can include more if wanted, we will use sugar later on)

To start making the jelly, you need 2 hot cups, (or more if you'd like), of  your preferred coffee.

Then dump one cup of the coffee into the bowl with gelatin and sugar. Mix it for a solid minute, maybe mix it every ~30 seconds, to make sure the gelatin doesn't settle down. (I'm impatient, you may do it every minute or so.)

Add a pack of gelatin to the pot, make sure it's unflavoured! ( ̄^ ̄)

Grab another hot cup of coffee, (this part includes the 'if wanted, add more' part.) and dump it in the pot. Make sure to mix the coffee and gelatin.

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar into it, you may add more or less depending on your tastes.

Now, we wait for 2 and a half minutes for the coffee to warm up more. And after that, we can add the other bowl of coffee into the pot.

You may add more sugar at this step if you'd like.

Now we play the waiting game! We wait til the coffee boils before taking it off the stove. You can stir it every now and then if you'd like. As soon as you see a few bubbles and they're popping, you can take it off the stove. (*^◯^*)

Now carefully, if you can, pour the coffee/gel/sugar mixture into cups. Make sure you do this before it's warm.

Once you've poured the mixture into the cups, make sure you wait at least 15 minutes and make sure they're lukewarm before putting them into the fridge.

And after 5-7 hours of waiting, you shall have coffee jelly!

If you followed along with the recipe, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the masterpiece you made, and if it tastes bad, maybe find tutorials online I dunno I'm probably not that trustable with the recipe, since this is my personal recipe lmao.


How to make coffee jellyWhere stories live. Discover now