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Julies pov:

Ive has been easy to ignore Hortensia on account of we dont have the same class, but now it was reccess time the time were everyones out there. i walked out miss honeys class with my new 'friend' matilda and with my other friends ive made, niguel, lavender, bruce, amanda, and eric. we walked outside to reccess, i see Hortensia wave at me amanda comes by my side and pulls me to where matilda and the others were.

we here them talking, "so who is this 'trunchball' lady?" matilda asks. "shes the headmisteress of the school, no one wants to get notised by her so thats why we all are scared of her!" she said snacking on his food. "oh bruce theres no need to be scared of her!" matilda said, oh boy is she wrong. "you have every right to be scared." a fimiliar voice spoke up, it was Hortensia. "she'll stick you in chokey if you arent in line, wont she Julianne" she said bringing uo how i was singing on the announcements. "dont call me that" i muttered, "what was that jullianne" Hortensia said. "i said dont call me that" i yelled at her. everybody looked at me with a blank expression, including Hortensia.

3rd person pov:

The trunchball was looking at the camera for recees, "good job Julianne just like a told you!" the trunchball smiled at the camera.

"hey what is your problem!" Hortensia yelled at the slightly shorter girl. "you are! everybodies right about you, you are a mean girl!" julie screamed at her. "all because i called you by your full name!" Hortensia yelled, she couldnt help but feel a bit hurt, the girl she had admired called her a 'mean girl' but maybe she was right Hortensia is a mean girl. "Ya! you know i hate being called by it!" Julie yelled back. "so, you call me Hortensia." "Thats your name!" "Ya but only my real friends call em that and your not my real friend!" she yelled as loud as she can at the other girl. a tear fell from julies eyes as she quickly whiped it as the announcements went of "You all have five seconds to get in a straight line!" Ms trunchball spoke and soon after kids at recess ran to get in line julie ran to get in the line but Hortensia pushed her causing her to scrape her neck, hortenisa quickly ran to the line. Julie got up and touched her chin, off her finger tips was blood. "shit!" she qucikly mumbled before running to were her friends were on the line, "come on, come on" was what she heard from her friends but she wasnt quick enough. "Stop right there!" The trunchball yelled. The girl stood still. The trunchball walked towards the girl, she was shaking in fear. "why werent you on the line" trunchball said gritting her teeth. "And what happened to your chin?" she asked lifting up my chin which made her stand her tip toes. she looked at Hortensia then back at ms trunchball. "i-i tripped miss." she gulped. "go on and get yourself to the nurse!" she spoke as she let her go. julie than ran crying after what happened, she ran in side to the nurses office, she knocked on the door.

Julies pov:

i knocked on the door of the nurses office, then opened it ms sarah one of my favorite people who worked here. "hello julie! what can i help you with today" she said but soon spotted it, she lifted up my chin and looked at it "well what happened here" she asked moving her hand away to get a wipe for my chin. "now hwo did this?" she asked, "oh uh nobody did, i uh i tripped" i lied. "you know i know when your lying, Hortensia did this didnt she?" she said. "damn your good!" i mumble. "So is that a yes?" "yes" i mumbled again. "you someday your going to have to tell her that you like her" "You like Hortensia!" amanda yelled, i pulled her into the room and closed the door, "you did not here that!" i covered her mouth, "i knew it!" she said. "sit" ms sarah said as i sat on the chair, she whiped my now dry blood of my chin, i winced at the sting. "dont worry, just think about Hortensia then the pain will go away!" amanda joked. "oi, shut up will you!" i said as her and ms sarah laughed. she then grabbed a big band aid and placed it on my chin. "why are you here amanda?" ms sarah asked. "ms trunchball didnt like my hair so she fung me in the air!" she said looking down. "and i want to know if my hair is gonna fallout!" she finished, i let out a laugh. amanda went to ms sarah and she searched her head for either, scratches, cuts, bumps, or like she said missing hair. "youre suprisingly all good." amanda ploped down from the seat, we heard kids in the hallway tlaking, "oh goody! its lunch time!" amanda said in excitment as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out. "thanks ms sarah!" i yelled hoping she could here. we made it to lunch and went into the lunch line, we got our so called 'food' and we sat down at the table with niguel, lavender, amanda, matilda, bruce, and eric. we were eating and miss honey pulled matilda on the side to speak to her, i watched them talked it seemed to awaken matildas happiness making her hug miss honey, i smiled at the scene. "Oh what a touching view i see" i heard ms trunchballs voice. i sighed she was really that last person i wanted to see. "what did i say abotu giving children special treatment specially her" she said walking down the stairs, the kids moved the tables out the trunchballs way. she grabbed matildas arm and pulled her on the stage with her, ms trunchball the spoke into the microphone, "i have discovered that my chocolate cake has been eaten and it was this girl" she spoke pointing at matilda. "it wasnt me-" she yelled to be interupted by bruce burping, it went on for a good 15 seconds before he covered his hands in disbelief he had just done that. everyone looked up in shock and saw a big air bubble, it went towards ms trunchball, it went closer and closer then it popped on her, a big smell of chocolate cake went up her nose, she started licking the air trying to get a good taste of it. "Bruce bogtrotter" she yelled out his name. "y-yes ms trunchball" he said as she walked up to him, "did you eat my chocolate cake?" she asked. "oh yes ms trunchball, it was very delicous and chocolatly, i am so very sorry ms trunchball." he apologized. "i didnt need you to apoligize, oh cook!" she called out, the cook came out with a huge chocolate cake and set it in the middle of the cafateria ms trunchball grabbed bruce my his ear and pulled him to the middle to the cafateria and sat him down at a table, the cook put a napkin around his neck and walked back into the kitchen. "heres a chocolate cake, just for you!" she spoke, "but im full" bruce said. "you will eat this cake or chokey is where youll go" she yelled. "Eat!" me and lavender looked at eachother, and grasped hands, "he cant" we said "Eat!" "he cant" other kids said. "Eat!" she yelled. "He might explode!" me and lavender then sung. "EAT!" she yelled in bruces ear. "a single, or even two bruce might have been nice but even you bruce have to admit between you and it theres not a lot of difference in size" "he cant" me and lavender sung. "he can" other kids sung "he surely cant" me and lavender sung. "you are the man bruce, he might explode he quite elastic, hes going to blow make him stop hes fantastic look at him go i cant watch i think in effect this must confirm bruce what we'll suspect you have a worm bruce or maybe your largeness is a bit like a tardis considerably rommier inside" "he cant" me and lavender sung "he can" other kids sung "he surely cant" me and lavender sung again "you are the man bruce" me and niguel got up and sung. "b r o o c e, bruce youll never again be subject to abuse" we danced as me and lavender claped our hands. "For your immense caboose she'll call a truce bruce, with every swallow you are tightening the noose we never thought it was possible but here it is coming true we can have our cake and eat it too" we all danced and sung "the time has come to put that tumbly tum to use" eric sung. "no excuse, bruce let out your belt i think youll want yuor trousers loose, oh stuff it in-" they sung "bruce!" lavender shouted. "your almost finished-" they sung "bruce!" niguel shouted. "youll fit it in" i sung crawling on the ground with amanda and lavender. "whatever you do just dont give in-" matilda sung "bruce!" amanda shouted. "dont let her win!" i shouted before getting up and singing. "come on bruce be our hero cover yourself in chocolate glory, bruce youll never again be subject to abuse for your immense caboose she'll call a truce bruce just one bore bit and youll completely cooked her goose, we never thought it was possible but here it is coming true we can have our cake and eat it!" we sung as he came to his last bite everyone jumped in the air to congratulate him, it was like it was in slowmo. "go on brucey!" miss honey screamed in excitment. "i-im s-sorry ms trunchball, i got a bit carried away" miss honey stuttered. "its ok jenny we all get a bit carried away" ms trunchball spoke "now come on bruce lets go" "what?" bruce asked it confusion. "oh yes your second part of your punishment is chokey!" she yelled pulling him away. "NOO~" he yelled in the distance.


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