She swam on an ilu, searching the reef for her brother. It took a while, but she found him. While the sky and ocean turned purple with the dispersal of the sun, she found Mao through his wails and cries.

Te'rani let go of her ilu and swam to Mao, eyes stinging with tears. His cries were too loud. He was mourning. There is no word for a soul who looses a child.

She swam closer and closer, catching his attention when she held onto his fin.

Te'rani robbed her eyes, trying to rid herself of the tears she bore. Her eyes met with the sad, squinted, green eye of her brother.

Te'rani closed her eyes, placing both her hands above his eye and connecting her forehead with his. Mao's wails slowed. He quieted when her small body embraced him.


Neytiri walked into Te'rani's marui alone. All her children were missing, having left to find Lo'ak. And she was left be herself, hoping to find Te'rani.

Neytiri recalled the first time she saw Te'rani here. Not too long ago. It was the day before the Tulkun had returned. The day when she had seen Te'rani in this place before she followed her to Ronal's marui.

Neytiri made out that Te'rani wasn't in the house when she called out once or twice. Only to get silence as an answer.
She looked around. The wall infront of her had hooks and holders all around it for weapons and fishing bows and knives.

Neytiri looked at each and every one of them. All of the objects were laid out horizontally. They started where she stood, by the entrance.

First were two fishing nets, big and small. Next were a few fishing bows, two hung from the wall and one was placed lazily leaning on it from the floor.

Neytiri took in every detail. Finally, at the end of the trail, she saw two traditional Metkayina spears placed on top of a stand. The first one was double sided, purple and dark brown in color. The colors reminded her of her father's bow. The second, was double sided as well, but it was the typical sea-glass blue and had an orange cloth tied to it.

Both these spears had songcords tied to them. Neytiri realized these belonged to Te'rani's parents. It was like each step she took into the house, another depth of Te'rani could be seen.

Neytiri looked down at them, and the intriquite designs carved on both. The brown one hand carvings of lines representing ocean waves, among other things. The orange one had designs of birds and plants.

Neytiri sae them closely. These weren't what other Metkayina warriors had on their spears. She had a strong feeling that Te'rani had drawn these herself.

She wished to talk to Te'rani now so bad. She had to see her and tell her about something on her mind.

"Tiri" The sudden voice's appearance surprised Neytiri.

She turned and found the person she had been waiting for.

"The kids are all home, I had a feeling you'd be here" Te'rani spoke, walking into the marui. She turned, untying he curtains and covering the entrance with them.

The only light source they had now was the sun set behind Neytiri and the purple streaks around Te'rani coming from the walls of the marui.

She walked closer to Neytiri and engulfed her in a hug. One that Neytiri accepted gladly.

"Tanhi..." she sighed. Her hands wrapped around her waist, while Te'rani's were around her shoulder.

They stayed there, right in that position for a while. Te'rani needed that. She really needed it. Neytiri was okay. Her family was okay. Her presence calmed her to no limit. She reminded her that not all was lost.

Te'rani loosened her grip. She didn't let go, but she moved and faced Neytiri. She didn't say anything. Nothing was needed to be said. Her pupils were wide, showing how calm she was. Her breathing was slow and steady. The slightest smile formed on her face.

Neytiri looked at her lips for a second, averting her gaze back to Te'rani's eyes. She loved that smile. She loved what it meant. It made everything else feel little, and her heart big.

Naturally, and as of there was nothing else Neytiri wanted, she leaned in, only staring at Te'rani's lips.

Her face leaned forward, there wasn't a finger of distance between their faces, but still, she paused, taking a second to look at Te'rani so closely.

Neytiri's eyes met her's. Te'rani's heart thumped against her chest. She looked up at Neytiri. Their height difference wasn't large. Te'rani was less than a thumb shorter, but it was noticeable when they came this close.

Te'rani quickly closed the space between them, tilting her head and capturing her lips. Neytiri gently kissed her deeper as she walked backwards. A couple feet behind her was a side of the marui that was open, so, she turned, still in the kiss and almost pushed Te'rani against the wall next to her, where their figures would be hidden.

Neytiri's hands were still around her waist. They held on softly, while her other hand lifted to her cheek.

Te'rani's eyes stayed closed. Their kiss was soft, and slow. It was loving. A simple kiss spoke many sentences. Most of them meaning that they were great full to have eachother, that they loved eachoher, and that they simply needed one another.

Neytiri pulled away eventually, her face backing up enough to let her see Te'rani's face, which slowly broke into a smile.

Te'rani leaned forward again and stole a small peck on her lips.

Neytiri smiled seeing her in a much better mood. Te'rani hummed and chuckled at the feeling of such closeness.

"Ma'Tiri" She said, finally opening her eyes. Neytiri moved her hands to her shoulders, hooking them behind her.

"Hmm?" She responded.

Te'rani wanted to say something. She wanted to say it. She had to.

"Be mine" she whispered.

Neytiri smiled softly. "I already am"


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