mighty eywa

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A day had passed since the fight, Te'rani had gone fishing early in the morning.

She was on Ayu'te now. Te'rani was out in the ocean, a little further away from the village this time.

She swam across the ocean on Ayu'te, watching the ocean life was relaxing in its own way.

The water embraced her body perfectly as she swam.

Te'rani was just sitting on Ayu'te, well, technically she was lying down.

She sighed loudly and closed her eyes. She already missed Neytiri and wanted to see her again, Te'rani told herself she would after getting some time to herself in the water.

She needed to think about her vision. And the best time to think is when she is weaving. It was common knowledge that the ocean clans like the Metkayina and the Ta'unui were at the top of the weaving game, and Te'rani was no exception.

Te'rani laid still, lying on Ayu'te's back for a few peaceful minutes before something splashed water right on her face.

Te'rani's eyes flew open and she got up immediately to see another ilu, riderless.

The ilu swam up to Ayu'te and they exchanged a few series of clicks and whistles.

Now, slowly, the sun was beginning to set behind Te'rani.

She looked at the sky, noticing the time as shd swung her other leg to her side.

She disconnected her queue from Ayu'te and submerged herself in water.

For a few seconds she just let her body float in the ocean. Her body felt cold, in the most calming way possible. Her hair, her hands, her legs were embraced by the water. She wished to spend all her days under the water.

She opened her eyes, a lazy smile on her face. That's when something caught her eye.

A figure, blue enough to blend in the ocean perfectly, was inspecting a school of larger fish that swam by.

Te'rani smiled under the water. It was Kiri.

She swam to Her and stopped till she was right behind the Younger girl.

Te'rani tapped Kiri's shoulder, causing her to look back.

Kiri smiled when she saw the firmiliar face.

They both wordlessly continued to swim around together.

Kiri felt glad to have someone like Te'rani by her side after a day like her's.

She felt comfortable around her, like she could say anything and not be judged.

Soon, after multiple minutes passed, Te'rani and Kiri swam up for air. .

That's when they noticed it was getting dark.

"You should go home, its getting dark" Te'rani said as she looked at the disappearing sun. She remembered her promise to Neytiri to spend time with her. Unfortunately, the events of the last two days had kept them busy in familial matters.

Te'rani called for Ayu'te and got on her back easily.

Te'rani didn't have to call an ilu for Kiri, because the riderless one from earlier, it had its eyes set on kiri already.

Te'rani flashed kiri a smile before diving under the water and swimming to the village.

Kiri and Te'rani's ilus swam in circles around eachother happily.

Te'rani liked seeing Kiri so happy. Her joy was contagious. The young girl somewhat reminded Te'rani of a younger version of herself. Different, but so familiar.

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