Fleur was followed into the room by another veela. She was slightly shorter than Fleur, but no younger. There weren't many women, or even veelas that could claim to be equal to Fleur in beauty. But Jasmin Adrienne Fletcher was exactly that. Like her mother Camille, she had lustrous dark hair, which fell just below her curvaceous breasts in elegant curls. Those, combined with her sparkling dark eyes, rosy-red lips and milky-white complexion, made her look like a goddess sent straight down from heaven. The room looked much too small to contain both of them.

Dom waited until they were both seated next to their respective mothers. He felt a small swell of pride at his 'two little girls'. He certainly considered Jasmin to be like his daughter. They were beautiful alright. Even for veelas, they were immensely beautiful. And that was the problem. They were too beautiful. Although only fourteen, they had been approached by numerous boys already. Some had merely stood looking at them with their mouths half-open, while others had tried all kinds of antics to impress them. Others had gone one step farther.

Two years ago, when they were in their second year at Beauxbatons, Fleur and Jasmin had been cornered by a gang of sixth-year boys. Dom's blood still boiled at what they had attempted to do to two twelve-year old girls, much less his daughters. Thankfully, Madame Maxime had heard the girls' screams of terror and had arrived just in time to stop them. But the damage had been done. Although the boys had not gotten their wish, both the girls now tried to avoid any form of contact with boys, especially Jasmin. Even now, she cringed when Dom tried to hold her.

The boys had been dismissed from Beauxbatons, but Fleur and Jasmin were subjected to a lot of persecution from their peers. They were loathed by all the girls at school for their beauty and Fleur and Jasmin despised all the boys. This meant that they were completely alone at school, which only caused them to grow closer together.

Dom sighed again before beginning- "I just received an owl from the French ministry. They have confirmed something I've known for some time now. The British were very eager to hold the Triwizard tournament this year at Hogwarts. The letter I just received confirmed that both the French and Bulgarian governments have agreed. From what I can gather, this tournament is going to be very different from the previous ones. I'm sure Madame Maxime will tell you more about it on your first day of term. For now, all I can tell you is that you'll be spending the entire year at Hogwarts. You'll also be attending classes with Hogwarts and Durmstrang students."

Fleur glanced at Jasmin to find her returning the look. Clearly, she'd had the same thought-the more people there were the more their chances of being harassed. Still, she couldn't bring herself to feel too bothered. The Triwizard tournament hadn't taken place for more than a century and now, and she was going to get to watch it first-hand.

It was then a thought hit Fleur. Traditionally, three champions were chosen from the competing schools. What if she was chosen as the Beauxbatons champion? That would really shut up all the other girls at school who said she and Jasmin used their looks to secure good marks. She had a brief vision of herself standing tall and proud in front of all her so-called peers, having just won the tournament. She would be able to go around the other students with her head held high. She wouldn't be 'just a pretty face' anymore. Then and there, she decided to enter the tournament if she could.

Dom was speaking again. With an effort she pulled herself out of her musings. "Apparently, there's been a lot of excitement at the ministry." he said scanning the letter again. "According to the Department of Magical Sports and Games, there's going to more than just the one main competition. I'll go get all the details today when I'm at the ministry."

Apolline interjected, "That's all well and good Dom. But what do we do about Fleur and Jasmin. They'll be hounded by all those boys and don't forget, Britain isn't the safest place for a veela."

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