Chapter 2

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In the sea of kids with the same goal in mind, of becoming Heroes, you manage to find a seat next to a boy with purple hair. He seemed like a mess from his derailed messy purple hair to his shrunken eyes with dark circles under them to his overall way he dressed and presented himself screamed one thing 'I dont give a fuck about what people think'. Immediately you liked this boy from your deduction.

Sensing someone was staring at him the strange boy turns to see a pretty girl with light blue hair tied at the end in three different columns, two scars with stitches on them going vertically and horizontally across her face, seeming coming from the left side, her left eye grey and the right being blue, if you looked closely you could see another scar with stitches going around her neck. Despite the scars and sadist nature of her eyes and smile the purple haired boy thought she was beautiful. "Emh why are you looking at me you creep?" He asked trying to brush off his thoughts, "You could call me creep but I would prefer if you called me M- I mean Y/n!" You said excitedly as you might make a new friend. "Well Y/n you still haven't answered my question." He said with a stoic face but inside he was ecstatic from learning your name.

"Oh It's because I find interesting because you seem like lone wolf kinda guy." You answered him not noticing the slight change in colour of his cheeks. "So what's your quirk Sleepy head?" You asked intrigued to see what his quirk was, "First off my name is Shinsou Second my quirk is... mind control.. it allows me to control any person as long as they reply or talk to me..." he hesitated fearing you would see it as a villainous quirk... like everyone else. But to his surprise you seemed extremely impressed. "Wha!! REALLY! Omg that is so cool, you can be like 'Hey' than the person can be like 'Wtf' the BOOM! His under your control.. Haha man your quirk is so cool!" You exclaimed as stars sparkled in your eyes, he was thrown back by this "So you dont think it's a quirk meant for a villain?" He asked a little bit confused by you reaction. "Pfft no if anything you quirk would be childs play compared to mine in the villain department." You comforted him in your own weird way. "Please nothing can beat my quirk when it comes to its evil ways" he said jokingly with a small smile on his face, giving him a sly smile you asked "In your opinion what came first the body or the soul?" It took him a few seconds before answering "the body" he stated confidently only for you to diminish that.

"Bzzt bzzt wrong~ it the soul that comes first and shapes the body, I have the ability to tamper and reshape the human soul and animal spirits into anything I want, I can also reshape my own soul and even if I lose a limb I can restore it back to it original state same goes with other people. It is called Soul Transfiguration."

You left Shinsou in a state of shock at your quirk, it was insanely powerful and dangerous how can someone as pretty as you have such a quirk. Bring your hand up you placed it under his chin and shut his gape mouth. "Heh Heh come on close your mouth or a fly will enter your mouth hehehe" you chuckled before a loud voice attracted you attention to the stadium.

In the middle stood a hero with gelled up blonde hair, orange goggles, fingerless gloves and a black jumpsuit. In his hand held a mic which amplified his voice but most if not all students thought it was useless since he was the pro hero Present Mic
" Omg that present Mic the sound>" there was a boy a few rows apart from you who started mumbling to himself, you sought at saw it coming so you tuned him out.

"ALRIGHT UA candidates thanks for tuning in to me, your school DJ! Come
on and let me hear you say "Yeah"!" You jumped from your seat fistbumped the air screaming at the top of your lung "Heck Yeah!" This action startled everyone around you but Present Mic seemed to like the enthusiasm. You were most certain Tenya is going to beat your ass and not in the way you would hope.

"There's the enthusiasm I'm looking for! Now, let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go okay?! ARE YOU READY!" You had yet to be seated so you took the opportunity to shout out once again "YES WE ARE!!" You could hear a few students snicker at your behaviour that one the got your attention so happened to be the boy fanboying over Present Mic at the start. You had to admit he was kinda cute, black to dark green messy curly hair, pretty emerald eyes and freckles that decorated his light fair skin. Oh you could just faint right then and there.

But... I'm a villain [[♤Bnha reverse harem x Mahito! reader♤]]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu