Announcement 1

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Hello everyone!

If you guys read my announcement a few days ago this is what you've expected

So as you all very much know I haven't been uploading any chapters recently I've been working and going to college so I haven't been able to do much in regards to my stories

However im going to in other words I want to get back into uploading chapters for both my stories as no matter how much time passes I want to finish both of them I love them both and dont want to leave them both

However I feel at the moment that I won't be able make any chapters that feel like I've been working on them like I have before in other words I think that if I went back to them now the chapters would lack my usual touch on them

So here reaches my solution

I have two ideas

One is inspired by another author on this site implementing an anime character into Harry Potter this author is _Behindyou_ (I recommend reading some of their stories if you haven't they are really fun) I'll keep it a secret which character I would implement but all I will say which might give it away is flames

The second idea is mine alone

The idea is For Rwby with the Character being Qrows son whom has his journey in the world of Rwby alongside new characters

Both will be done some time in the future however im doing one of them now which to my infinite wisdom am letting you all decide

Idea 1?



Comment on which idea you would like to see and ask questions which I will answer if you would like more details

I leave the decision to you guys 😁

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