I wake up and touch my head. I look at my hand and see that it's bleeding.
"Don't touch it." Dustin says pulling my hand away.
I look in front of me and see Steve covered in blood.
I get up and hold the ice pack on his head.
"Shit, what happened?" I ask.
"Billy." Max says. I look at her and see that she's driving the car.
"Oh my god." I say.
"Shhh, she's driven before." Dustin assures me. I look and Steve and see him starting to wake up.

"Hey buddy, shhhh." Dustin says.
"What...?" He mutters.
"It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, just you put up a fight. You're okay." Dustin says. He starts groaning and I hold his hand tightly.
"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Lucas says giving Max directions.
"What's going on?" Steve groans and look at who's driving and starts to freak out.
"Oh my god!" He yells.
"Steve, relax. She's driven before." Dustin says.
"Yeah; in a parking lot." Mike says.
"That counts." Lucas says.
"Oh my god." Steve says again.
"They were gonna leave you and Lizzy behind. I promised that you'd be cool, okay?" Dustin says and the car starts to speed up. Steve grabs my hand and holds it tightly.
"What's going on?! Stop the car! Slow down!" He yells.
"I told you he'd freak out!" Mike shouts at Dustin.
"Stop the car!" I shout.
"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max shouts.
"Oh, wait, that's Mount Sinai! Make a left!" Lucas yells.
She swerves the car making us all toss around. Steve holds on to me tightly and we all scream. She stops the car by the hole and i start panting.
"Whoa!" Dustin says.
"Incredible." Mike says.
"I told you. Zoomer." Max says and we all get out.
"Are you in?" Dustin asks me and I nod as he gives me my stuff.
I put on the goggles, mask and get out my gun and load it.
"Oh, no. Guys." Steve groans.
"We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear!" Steve starts yelling different things as we all ignore him and get ready.
"Steve! You're upset. I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now, I know you promised Nancy that you'd keep us safe. So keep us safe." Dustin says and gives him his stuff. He takes it and goes down the hole, followed by me and the others.

"Holy shit." I say looking around.
"I'm pretty sure it's this way!" Mike shouts and starts walking when Steve stops him.
"I don't think so." He says shining the flashlight on him.
"What?" Mike asks.
"Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Got it? I'm leading the way! Let's go!" He yells and I roll my eyes.

We walk and try and find the middle part Mike was talking about.
"God." Lucas says looking around.
"What is this place?" Max asks.
"Guys, come on. Keep moving." Steve says and we all follow him. We hear Dustin screaming so we run back and see him screaming on the floor. He starts coughing and screaming.

"What happened?!" I shout as he gets up and looks at me.
"I'm okay." He says.
"Dickhead." I say and walk off.
"Very funny, man." Steve says sarcastically.
"Jesus, what an idiot." Max says.

After walking for a few seconds we find the hub.
"All right, Wheeler. I think we found your hub." Steve says and we drench the place in gasoline. I spray some on the ceiling and on the walls.

I light a match when we're done and light it on fire. We run back to the place and as we're running I feel someone grab my hand. I look to my side to see who it is and I see Steve. We keep running and we get to the rope and me and Steve help everyone get up when it's just us two. We hear the monsters running and shrieking.

"Shit! Go!" Steve shouts.
"I'm not leaving you!" I scream and hold onto him. I hear the kids calling our names. We see about a hundred of the demo-dogs running towards us and me and Steve hold onto each other when they just run past us. Steve grabs me to stop me from tripping up.

"Eleven." I hear Mike say. Me and Steve get up to the top and I hold onto him tightly and he holds onto me.

The car light starts to brighten and then it turns off. I start to feel more relaxed.
"Is it over?" I ask.
"It's over." Mike says.

3 months later

Barbara had the funeral she deserves. It was devastating but me and Nancy got through it. Me and Steve are still very good friends. Eleven got a real life, although she had to wait a year to be like a normal teenager. My visions stopped. I wonder if it had anything to do with the gate being closed.

at the snowball

I help El get ready for the snowball when my dad starts tearing up. Me and El look at each other grinning
"Okay, look in the mirror." I say after I've done getting her ready.
She smiles.
"Pretty." She says.
"Very." I add and hug her.
"Wait, are you still picking up that other kid?" My dad asks.
"Maxine? Yeah. In fact, I'm going now otherwise I'll be late." I say and kiss El and my dad on the cheek and grab my keys and leave.

I pull up outside her house and beep my horn. I see Billy come out and stare at me for a few seconds when Max comes out shoving past him. Max gets in the car and I smile at her.
"Don't." She says.
"Don't what?" I ask grinning. She rolls her eyes.
"You look very pretty, Max. Having fun with Lucas?" I ask her and she groans.
"Maybe." She says.

As I pull up to the school I see Steve's car and Dustin getting out. I look up and see his hair and feel my eyes widen.
"Jesus, is a bird nesting in there?" I ask making Max laugh. She gets out and waves goodbye. I drive off and park my car. I get out and go over to Steve's.

"Hey, you look very... okay." He says.
"Thanks. You look very okay too." I laugh and he smiles at me.
"Wait here." I say and run to my car. I get out the bag of food I have and get in his car and show him.
"Car picnic?" I ask him and he smiles at me.

Everything was better.

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