̄ω ̄ idk

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After class ended, everyone cheered. "Yea,yea, whatever..." Stein said under his breath.
~Your P.O.V~
Crona looked away as if he was hiding something. "Crona?" you asked. "Yea?" he said as he turned around. Your eyes widened. He was holding a red, blooming rose! "T-this, is for y-you, y/n." he said lightly and gave it to me. "Thank you so much!" you said happily as you hugged him. He smiled. "Wanna, u-um," he said embarrassed, "c-come to m-my room f-for a little?" You nodded your head up and down. You held hands with Crona on the way down the hallway. When you got into the room he let you go first. "Ladies first." he said charmingly. You giggled and walked in. He closed the door. "What s-should w-we do?" he asked as he sat down next to you on his bed. You grinned. "Hm... how 'bout this..." you said as you put your hand on his thigh and kissed him. "Al-alrighty then." He said and kissed you back. You smiled and touched his fragile cheek. He blushed and looked away. "What's wrong?" you asked him. "It's j-just that... w-well, I'm s-still not r-really used to all t-this... physical t-touching..." he said quietly. "It's ok, Crona," you whispered, "go ahead, play with me." He smirked. "Okay." he said. He grabbed your hips and kissed you passionately. You were surprised. Usually, Crona was so...shy. You started a french kiss. Crona started to sweat a little and pulled away. "I d-don't know how t-to french k-kiss..." he said ashamed. "Oh... I'm sorry I did that. I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable... I... I should leave." You whispered as you got up and walked fast to the door. Crona looked down and blushed "I... I..." he stammered. You shut the door and ran to your room. You got your room and slammed the door. "Oh...," you sobbed as you leaned on the door, "why did I do that? Me and Crona aren't even... like... that deep yet. Oh..." You covered your face with your hands. After a hour of thinking you got a good idea. You got a small piece of paper and your favorite pencil. You sat down at your desk and started to write. After 5 minutes of silent pencil tapping and erasing noises, you were done. You looked up at the clock. 9:14 P.M. "Okay, i'll give him this note." you said confidently. The note read: 'Crona, I think I'm the one kinda rushing into this relationship. I'm really sorry. This is all kinda too fast for both of us. Meet me outside at 9:30 P.M., okay? We'll talk. Love, Y/n.' You read over it quick. You then nodded and opened your door. "Alright.." you whispered as you gently slid the note under Crona's door. You started to run the halls. "Found it!" you said as you stepped outside and sat on a step. You could actually see a little in the darkness. "Now, I just have to wait..." you mumbled.

Crona x reader: part 2Where stories live. Discover now