I am sure she would be thinking the same. And she's probably disgusted by me.

But I will not be him. I will make everything right. I am not a cheater. Never will be. I would never break Emily's trust.

Except for that one time?

My innerself taunted.

Well I was an asshole for that and Sia did slap me for it .

That doesn't justify it.

I know it doesn't. I will confess to Emily, I promise.

I kept thinking about what I'd say to her as I got in bed . But sleep was no where to be found.

Guess all that's left now is to wait for the dawn.


Running my hand through my head I took a deep breath before knocking .

The door was opened within seconds and I was greeted by Jade himself.

Emily's father.

"Justin my man! " He smiled as he stepped aside to let me in.

I gave him a small smile before I respectfully extended my hand to him.

"Jade" I greeted him as we shook hands

"How have you been? " He asked before making his way towards the living room and I followed

"Just.. Hanging in there I guess " I mentally cringed at how dull my voice sounded

Looks like Jade felt that too as he turned around looking at me with his brows knitted together

"Are you okay? " His voice had a pinch of concern

Causing me to feel somehow guilty of the way I've been behaving so I quickly smiled and fixed my composure before replying to him

"Yes yes.. Just a bit tired. " I smiled as we both took a seat on couches opposite to each other .

"I am sorry to call you here on a Sunday. Would you like to have something? Maybe I can grab a quick beer for you before we start working "

I am aware that it's sunday, so all his helpers are on leave.
His laptop and other papers were scattered all over the centre table indicating he's been working and I did not want to cause him trouble so I politely refused before asking him about what can I do for him.

"I have a friend who's trying to file a divorce against his wife. And he wants you to be his lawyer"

"Why me? " I couldn't help but be curious

"He is aware of how you worked on my case and finalised the divorce within a month and without any major hurdles . And we wants the same for himself"

"Ah.. Okay. And what may be the reason for divorce?"

Jade sighed before lightly shaking his head almost rolling his eyes.


I felt my heart start to beat louder in my chest. I am not any better than all of these people .  I couldn't let Jade see me in such state so I composed myself before clearling my throat

"So our party wants a divorce from his cheating wife? "

"Um no.. "

My eyebrow raised in confusion as I looked at Jade who didn't seem to be affected by any of this as he casually relaxed back some more in his couch .

Why would he be affected Justin?

He's not the one cheating on his girlfriend.

"Our client is the one cheating. He has a mistress, his wife found out and left. So that's why he wants you on the case. To help him out and minimise the amount of compensation they might ask him to pay to his wife . "

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