12. three sixty

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"It's big." You were aware of how simple your answer was. "It's a nice place to watch sunsets and stargaze."


"It doesn't feel cozy or private enough, precisely because of its size and location." You continued after Ariana made a thoughtful sound. "It feels like I'm on the cliff's edge which we are quite literally. Maybe I'm just not used to such a house."

"So I wasted almost 14 million?" Ariana commented, looking a little disappointed.

You were quick to correct her. "If it suits your living style and provides everything you need for home life, the money is well spent."

"But you wouldn't pay that amount for this house, would you?"

"Probably not, it's just not for me, you know. I certainly do not need seven bathrooms." You quipped, laughing a little to lighten the mood. "But I'll definitely take advantage of your movie theatre."

That earned you a small smile from her, "What are we waiting for then?"


It became a tentative routine you motioned through for the rest of the month - going to her house, watching movies, playing video games, frolicking your feet in the pool while she swam, and having dinner.

Tonight, she was attempting to make gnocchi.

It's almost scary how easily the both of you for right back into each other's lives. It felt like resuming a movie after a bathroom break, picking up right where you left it off. You realized that it was hard being only friends, but it was harder if you weren't. You couldn't imagine your life without her in it, the years before meeting her felt like a motion blur.

While the whole thing only pulled you into a false sense of security, you were too weak to resist, not that you wanted to. So you might as well enjoy the ride before it crashes and burns, and you go through the entire cycle again - Icarus' attempt at flying on a loop.

You stationed yourself at the bar counter, observing Ariana as she rummaged around for spices. You wanted to help, but she waved it off with a "you're a guest, so sit down". You put your energy into bonding with the two little companions she brought over, Coco and Lily.

"There's some flour on your face." You said after noticing a faint dusting above her nose. Instinctively, you leaned towards her to swipe it off but you stopped yourself just in time to pretend you were reaching for the tissue box instead. "Here."

Ariana plucked the tissue from you gingerly. "Thanks."

After a few more minutes, the gnocchi was ready. After she plated the food, you set them on the kitchen counter, ignoring her protest. It became sort of a mini-race to see who could grab the utensils the fastest.

You managed to block her off with your arms, reaching for the drawer with the spoons. "Let me set the table. You can go get the champagne I bought you for your birthday."

Knowing that she lost, Ariana gave in. "Fine. But don't think you won this round!" Her voice faded gradually as she headed towards the wine closet.

With the puppies nipping at your heels, you arranged the cutlery for both of you, as well as the champagne flutes. It was not lost on you how domestic the whole setup was. If you were being honest, it was what you had always wanted.

You learned now, what yearning meant. It wasn't looking from afar, hoping to be looked at in return. Instead, it reflected a decision - to know where you stood and accept being in that position.

Barks announcing Ariana's return pulled you out of your thoughts. "Sorry to keep you waiting." She rushed to the table on tippy toes.

You moved towards her. "Take your time. I don't want you to trip and fall." She slowed down with a grateful smile.

positions (Ariana Grande/You)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu