03: run bitches! Run!

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We were running up the sand dunes ducking every now and then hiding from the wicked guards but then the girl we helped group a save.. tessy? Eh tessy will do. Anyways she started running ahead making Thomas panic

"Wait teresa we gotta stick together!" Thomas yelled.but she ignored him and ran over to this building and the only way into it was a broken window. Wait! It's Teresa!? Wait yeah it was teresa... Eh I'm still calling her tessy

"Teresa wait!" Thomas yelled again and aris looked at me

"I thought her name was tessy?" He whispered to me with wide eyes and I snorted "me too"

"Hey I did as well! Great minds think alike" Pippa joked and I smiled

We then all watched Thomas panic as tessy casually went through the broken window

"Get down here!" She yelled and we all just shrugged and followed and me pippa and aris went last but as I carefully was making my way down the little sand hill that we had to walk down as you entered through the broken window I felt someone push me

I then did some dramatic rolls down the sand hill and all attention went to me and I heard a familiar pair chuckling

"Pippa!" I yelled and she laughed harder along with aris who carefully walked down the hill without rolling like Pippa made me.

"You bitch" I said to her and she shrugged still laughing and even some of the others did as well

"I think I swallowed some sand" I mumbled making aris smile innocently at me and I playfully shoved him and he shoved me back and I chuckled before slinging a arm around his shoulder

Me and aris then both took in our surroundings and it looked like we were in a massive shopping centre.. it sucks remembering what a shopping centre is but no memories of how to follow it up.

Minho then pulled a torch from a backpack he took from wicked and flashed it around the shop

"Where the hell are we?" Minho whispered but we all heard "a good ol' shopping centre" Pippa said coming over to join me and aris

"We gotta go" Thomas said beginning to walk off "no. Thomas, stop!" Tessy yelled making Thomas stop in his track and listened to her tilting his head

Man he's like a puppy dog following her orders-

"Tell me what's going on." Tessy said softer this time and I realised that we explained nothing to her and she's probably lost out of her mind

"It's WICKED. It's WICKED. They lied to us. We never escaped. Me, aris, Pippa and Faye we found bodies. Too many to count." He explained to her softly while the others listened as well since they don't know about the bodies either and I saw Pippa and aris frown so I took both their hands giving them a comforting squeeze

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho asked and Pippa spoke up next

"No but they weren't alive either. Unconscious. Slow pulse, practically dead."

"They had them strung up like dolls. Tubes coming out of them.. three of them were our friends" Pippa mumbled holding back tears along with aris while I continued holding both their hands for comfort keeping my face emotionless

FAYE THE POWERHOUSE~~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin