The Day It All Began

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Day 1

My name is Freddy, but most kids at school call me Fred, and many people know my dad as the driver of Percy, the NWR's Number 6 engine.

Anyways, as I'm writing this, Sodor is falling to these creatures that were a result of a mining operation gone wrong.

The date was February 17, 1998, and my dad and the drivers of the railway's other engines had caught wind of the controller of the railway, Sir Charles Topham Hatt, making a deal with a guy named George Darnell, the owner of a mining company. The guy wanted to apparently set up an operation near Crosby as here was a rumor of how there was something worth digging for in that area. Topham agreed and so over the next few months, construction began with a small line heading up to a small facility near the mining site itself.

However, then construction finally ended on August 4th, things began to go downhill for George as the sheer amount of costs of just transporting the equipment was crazy enough. So Topham stepped in and decided to lend the pack and a few engines over to their sight for a little while to rotate working at the site, but a few days after Oliver had been sent to work there for a few days while Rosie covered for him on the little western, he told us he'd been seeing these strange black vans arrive at the area and question him and some of the workers and a few times they sent their own men to go into the mines.

Some of the engines brushed it off, while others brought this information to Topham, except the only issue was that he couldn't really do anything about it as they just kept coming back, but he did tell the engines at one point that he suspected they could most likely be inspectors and that them potentially having other plans was coincidental.

But after some time, we accepted how things with these shady men came and went, and soon after, most stopped caring about it, but a few engines still kept notice of them in the back of their minds. Oh but I wish we investigated further on so we may have been able to stop what happened back on September 12, 1998, which was today.

That day, neither me, nor my younger brother Jacob had any schoolwork to do, so my dad decided why not take us to work with him, and it just so happened that it was Percy's turn to shunt at the mining site. And at about noon, we arrived seeing most of the workers in full swing, along with an exhausted and worn out Diesel, who had been covering for Percy before he arrived.

Anyways, while we stayed and chatted with some of the digging site employees, Percy got to work with my dad and his fireman Nolan operating him.

However, after a few hours, things would take an unfortunate turn for the worst. While Jack's driver Eddie, was letting me try and operate the vehicle he was driving, we suddenly heard muffled screaming, which was because of the door, coming from what seemed to be the inside of the main mine.

We suddenly then saw Diesel race out of the mine, saying how he saw these things attack and devour some of the workers. Some of us were skeptical, but we soon changed our minds when we saw the trucks that carried some of the workers were bloody and had their faces torn off.

All of a sudden, we saw these things rush out of the mine and start attacking the workers and The Pack. I didn't get a good look at them, but Percy says that they looked like pale people with sharp teeth and no eyes. And while I thought I saw a few of those creatures without legs and some kind of tail like a scorpion's except with a mouth in place of them, Percy would confirm that to me.

Once they started attacking and killing everyone, everyone began panicking and tried to run for it or attempt to fight off the creatures, with most being unsuccessful and getting themselves eaten in the process. Soon after, my dad grabbed my hand as he and I ran for Percy, who was getting steamed up by Nolan as I caught sight of Jacob curled up in the cab. But as I looked back, I saw some of the  things rush for Jack and Eddie, and when they pounced on the two, both were torn apart and eaten in about 10 seconds at most with almost nothing remaining.

Percy and Diesel yelled for the workers to get into the vans and trucks they had. However, they were only about to get about a dozen of the 34 workers that were present at the site before setting off down the line in the direction of the mainline. Soon after, we heard those creatures chasing after us and we took off for Crosby.

It wasn't long before we made it to Crosby, where we saw Henry waiting there with a goods train along with his crew. Percy and Diesel yelled at him to run, but we're not sure if he made it out alive or not.

We continued running until we finally made it to Tidmouth where we checked on everyone and saw we had roughly 13 survivors from the massacre, which included everyone but the engines, Nolan, our dad, and Jacob and I. Everyone proceeded to look inside the station for supplies and survivors. Luckily, we managed to find some people as well as some food and water. In addition to that, I also found this very journal on one of the shelves which I decided to hold onto to document our story and experiences.

We decided on putting the engines into the shed and wait before we kept moving. And so we were backing Percy into the sheds at Tidmouth, only to bump into an engine, afterwards we quickly got Percy onto the side track in the shed, and to our shock, we found the only tram engine on Sodor bruised, yet alive.

Percy was shocked to see Toby, but he was glad he was alive either way, despite him having a black eye and a chunk of his face missing, along with a black eye and a bloody nose

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Percy was shocked to see Toby, but he was glad he was alive either way, despite him having a black eye and a chunk of his face missing, along with a black eye and a bloody nose. Diesel's driver got him into the shed, and the 08 was supprised to find Toby alive.

The tram calmed everyone down, and he examined his story.

Toby had been at Ffarquar with Thomas and Daisy, who were both in the sheds while he was pulling a train of stone trucks due for Tidmouth Harbor.

However, those things showed up, likely coming from either the mining site or the quarry. Thomas told Toby to run, and that they'd find Henrietta for him, and Toby reluctantly agreed. But one of those things hopped in front of him before he got very far. The things ripped out Toby's eye and tore off a chunk of his face before his driver, Gilbert, shot the thing to death before they made their way to Tidmouth.

Toby hopes that Thomas, Daisy, Mavis, Annie and Clarabel, and Henrietta are all ok, but that's pretty much the extent of the events between the engines and the rest of the survivors. My dad says we'll stay here until tomorrow, in which we'll begin our search for survivors.

It's almost 9 PM, and nights almost setting in with some of the survivors that were staying guard coming back in. However, one claims to say that they swore they thought they heard and saw an engine pass by, but they couldn't tell who it was, but knows the engine's color was either green or black.

Most of us, including me, my dad, and Jacob don't really care, as all we know, is that Sodor probably won't ever be the same again.

Most of us, including me, my dad, and Jacob don't really care, as all we know, is that Sodor probably won't ever be the same again

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