Chapter 19

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*2 days later*
I'm still wasted from the concert. I never yelled so loud in my life. It was nice experience. I was glad to see Jungkook in real life and even have small interaction with him. I received some flower from Taehyung. I will never forget this moment. My cousin experienced was... another level. She lost her voice and she need to recover for at least three weeks. And knowing her, it'll be EXTREMELY hard for stay in silence. I'm half deaf, so the boys will start teasing me by talking really low or extremely loud.

I was still sleeping, when I felt someone hugging me and kiss my neck. I move my head a bit far. But the person keep bring my head to him and keep kissing my neck. I groan.

"Oliver let me sleep, I'm still tired" I told him while trying to get away from him

"You have being sleeping for almost 24h. How you can do that? Without waking up for go in the bathroom, eat or drink something?? The worse part, you didn't change positions??? How just tell me how?? I was thinking that you're dead, but I check you're breathing" He told me

I change positions and face him. I try to open my eyes but failed.

"It's a mystery, that nobody could found the answer. I don't know the answer either. Now let's sleep, I need my sleep time to be restored" I told him while returning in initial position and knocked out

-POV Oliver-

I was about to respond, when I heard some cute snore. This girl just sleep back like nothing happened... I'll let her sleep, cause it's true she's really tired. Waking early for draw some poster, finish arranger college stuff, waking early for the lineup, do the lineup on the heat, enjoy the concert and need to search for my car. So it was normal for her body to this tired. I get up and arrange the blanket on her. I walk out of the room and I went found the boys. I send them sitting in the living room chilling.

"She's still sleeping?" Ryan asks me

"She was 'awake' then she knocked out of sleep" I explain

"How she can sleep for this long??" Darren asks

"Maybe it's on their DNA, cause her cousin is dead sleeping, even I try to shake her. Calling her name. Blast some loud music, not of them worked. I think the music make it worse, cause she was hugging more her plushies" Regie said

"Woah, they're really deep sleeper" Kane said

"I wish I was like that too" Ryan said

"Yea me too, but I understand why they're so tired. They didn't get some rest and their body ask for it" I told them

They nod

"Let's do something, while they're sleeping, maybe some drink that will help their throat to get better?" Sebastian propose

"Yeah. We can do that and it'll help more C/N. Cause she totally lost her voice" Regie said

"Oh yeah, Regie explain us how was the second with her" Justin asks

Regie smile while scratching his hair

-POV Regie-

I went in the concert with C/N. She was surprise, when she found out, that I'm also going. She was shy at first but happy. Oliver drive us there. We went get the line for enter the stadium. We take place. it was a silence between us. We're shy to start a conversation. I take a peek from her side and see she was looking around her. I take my courage and start conversation.

"So what are excepting for the second day of concert?" I ask her

"To be lit like the first day. I hope Jungkook notice me like Taehyung notice Y/N" She told me 

I smile. They put some music for keep the excitement vibe. Everyone start to sing along the songs. C/N was singing too. I was surprise how she knows all the lyrics by heart and how to pronounce correctly it. The light went down, sign of the concert will start. Everyone start to yelled. The first song was 'Blood Sweat and Tears'. The yelled was even worse.  I was bumping my head and screaming some part too. I didn't want to much expose myself in front of C/N. I take some video of the stage and C/N too. She was screaming her life and sing really out loud. She doesn't mind of her image. I found it cute. 

The concert had a little break, where the members was standing in front of the fans and present themselves. They performed 'Jump'. I'm not joking but the group was trembling cause all the fans was jumping. It get worse cause this song, 'Idol' was next so everyone was dancing and jumping.  They performed 'Spring Day' was walking around and throwing some gift to fans. Jungkook was walking near of us. He spotted us, especially C/N, He waved at her and throw her a plushie. She catch it and yelled thank you to him. He smiled and walk away. She looked at me and she screaming while jumping. She hugged me  while jumping. 

"I got Jungkook attention!!! OMO I'm so happy, it's the best moment of my entire life" She said while hugging me more

I smile while her hugging back. Feeling my heart beating so fast. The concert come at the end. BTS decided to performed '1 2 3!' and 'Life goes one'. It was so beautiful to see the stadium all purple. I look at C/N and saw her crying while singing the songs. I side hug her. She rest her head on my shoulder. 

Yeah this night was a perfect and we get close.

˜End of Flashback˜

-Third POV-

The boys was silence for a sec. Till one of them decided to break it

"Woah, I knew that C/N was crazy about them. But not this much. And it's kind of understandable, cause it's rare they came in her country." Kane said 

The boys nodded their head. 

"But something most important happened to Regie last night" Darren said while smirking 

"What is it?" The boys asked all together

"He had a crush... not a crush but he's in love with C/N" Darren said while winking at Regie

"Shut up" Regie replied to Darren while looking away

"He's not denied, cause he's shy now" Ryan said 

The boys let an "ohhh" 

"Man, grab your chance and confesse to her. Cause I can sense it's not one side of love" Oliver said to Regie while patting his back

"If you need some help we're here to give some hand too" Justin add

"Thanks you guys" Regie said

"It's not fair we going have two couple in this house. Why it was two the hot member being in couple" Sebastian said 

The boys laugh at the youngest one statement.

"Come on let's get go prepare the drink for our girls"......  

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