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"You want me to model?" He asked.

"Yeah! Model for me." I said excitedly jumping up.

"Okay." He said getting up, he changed into the suit, and I tried not to watch him. His whole figure was beautiful. I loved every inch.

Finally, I got my Polaroid out and began to snap some photos. I cropped his head, just his hair showed. It looked like a bloody mess and I loved it.

Then he walked away, over to me. I got a polaroid of us kissing. It was my new favorite piece of art.

He turned away, his hand slowly wrapping its way around my hip. He turned and plugged a CD in. White Pony by Deftones. I loved this album. He skipped to my favorite song. Passenger.

*Might wanna listen to that song just saying*

As the slow beat came on He lifted his hands to me. Flew them in the air and brought them back down, as he teased me with his lips.

He pulled away grabbing both my hands and bringing them to his neck. He picked me up by my thighs and pinned me to the side wall. He teased me again with his lips. Then finally kissed me.

The song had a hold grasp on me. As much as Xav did.

It reminded me of my time at home. I hated it there. I wanted nothing more than to run my whole life.

Then when I met Xav I didn't want to run anymore.

I looked at him. His eyes grew soft as they looked down at me.

I sat down on the bed. He sat with me.

"I hated it at home you know? And all the time I just wanted to run. Everything was too much. And then I met you." I trailed off. My hands are in my hair.

"Hey. You don't have to run anymore." He said grabbing my hands. And kissing them.

And that's when I knew I was home. Nevermore was my home, Xavier was my home. I was home.

The End.

*I'm sorry I don't have the motivation to continue this book so I figured I'd finish it off for yall. Thank you so so so much for all the support, I have tons more stories on my page. They include Frank Iero from MCR, Joker, Poetry, and Draco, I might start some wlw stuff too. Please check out my page and thank you so so so so much again. Goodbye luvs*

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