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Warning: Blood, knives

Two snaps, that's all it took to unlock a new world to me. It seems to simple for something to beautiful.

That's all it took to unlock a feeling of hope inside me, a new life at best. I stared at the wall that was opening in front of us as we began to walk down a spiral set of stairs.

"Welcome to the nightshades Ash." Xavier said as I looked around, it was dark but the ceiling held the light of the world, along with some candles.

"Ash?" Bianca asked. "Is that a nickname?"

"Oh yeah, just short for Ashley, I guess alot of people use it sometimes." I said, looking at Bianca then Xavier.

Wednesday was already reading from the long rows of bookshelves as Ajax was walking to some couch like chairs.

"This is basically just where we work and meet, kinda like an underground security for the school no one knows about. We also just hang out down here sometimes." Ajax said sitting down.

"So, does this mean I'm a member?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Not so fast." Bianca said looking at me. Her eyes were white now.

"Give me your hand." Bianca asked with her hand out.

"I'll do it." Xavier said sternly behind me. I turned around to face him, he looked protective in a sense.

"Be my guest." Bianca said with a smile. I turned around fully and walked a bit towards him. He was in the light a bit, he took my shoulders and positioned me to stand in the middle. Bianca then came up and pressed on a button, a little small hole opened up beneath me in the floor.

"I just love a little blood, don't you?" Wednesday said looking at me with a book in hand.

"We need to cut your hand open, a small bit of blood will go into the hole beneath you and then you'll be sworn into the nightshades. Still up for it?" Xavier explained very calmly, it kinda of scared me.

"Mhm." Was all I could manage to reply with. Just then Xavier pulled a switchblade out his back pocket and flipped it open. He reached our his hand for mine, and moved into me a bit closer. As he did he moved his other hand to brush over my fingers, he held them ever so slightly.

He took my hand and flipped it over to the palm. He slowly dragged the knife just a bit over the palm of my hand then flipped my hand over so the blood would pour down.

I didn't feel any pain, there wasn't much pain to feel after all, when he was done he flipped my hand over and looked at Bianca. She came over with a bandage roll and rolled it around my hand, covering the open gash.

"Welcome to the nightshades." Everyone said and smiled. I smiled along with them. Xavier let go of my fingers and he pressed the button to seal the hole back up.

After that they walked me around the small place, there were books upon books, there was some seats but not many, and that was about it. Since no one else in the school knew about the nightshades there wasn't much down here. Everyone is super close though which intimidated me, but they seem to want me here.

A new life.

-an hour or so later-

"Hey, I was wondering if you'd want to maybe go get coffee in town?" Xavier said creeping up behind me.

"I like the sound of that." I smiled a bit.

I said my goodbyes to everyone as we walked away. I could hear them talking about how strange Xavier was acting, but he didn't seem to care, I wondered why.

Burning Flames (Xavier Thrope x Female Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ