"No, but I don't think we can stop him," he admits. Of course we can't stop him, Junseo is friends with this guy I think. Not really sure if I would go as far as saying they're friends though.  Didn't expect him to be the kind of guy to hang out with people like him, but I shouldn't judge the 'gangster' by his appearance. 

"Speak for yourself my friend," Junseo beams while removing his hand from my wrist in order to place his arm over Eunhyuck's shoulder. He winks in the direction of the gangster. Damn it, what did Junseo say that guys name was. And why did he wink at him?

"You're not supposed to..." the timid man stumbles poorly attempting to stop the taller male from getting past him to open the door. He throws the furniture off of the pile and removes the lock off the staircase door. 

I walk forward about to follow him up but I'm stopped by a hand being placed on my shoulder. 

"Wait," Eunhyuck stops me before whispering in my ear that rescuing Han Dusik is our goal. He doesn't want us to save the kids if it hurts us returning with him. How do I just leave the kids by themselves, they're defenseless without anyone to take care of them. Why did he only tell me this. He knows Junseo, they've known each other for a while. He must know that he takes care of others no matter what. 

"Do whatever it takes, convince him some how to leave them. I don't care how, just make it work. In this short amount of time he's grown fond of you. I don't know how, nor do I care. Just use that to your advantage if you really have to. He's a bleeding heart case and I can't have him risking the mission," Eunhyuck explains. I have no idea what he means about Junseo and I's relationship. I would say we might be friends, probably just friends of opportunity knowing my luck and putrid self. 

"I doubt he will listen to me, we barely know each other. We've just bonded over our mutual predicament if that's what you want to call being a monster." 

"You really are stupid," he retorts before walking away. What does that even mean. He's so weird. I walk over to Junseo who's already in the stairwell waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. 

"You ready?" he asks. 

"As I'll ever be. Let's go save them," I say grasping my knife a bit tighter. 

Then, the three of us embark on our quest. Looking down I began to rethink what Eunhyuck said to me.  I guess I'm in charge and they're both the muscle on this trip. How am I even going to enact that? How would I even convince him to listen to me? 

"Hey are you alright, Hyunsu? What did he even say back there? Did he say something bad, do I need to knock some sense into him when we get back for fucking with you? He might be my friend but I'm willing to do it." Junseo interrupts my train of thought. 

"No I'm fine Junseo. I'm just hoping they're all okay up there." 

"I'm sure they're fine," he smiles back at me. Maybe we can save them all. With him at my side, I feel like we can do anything. Together. 

When we got to the first floor we planned to check for supplies, we opened the door only for the older man to be attacked by a monster. Junseo immediately responded by pulling the machete out from his back holster swinging it at the monster removing one of its arms. It needed to start regrowing that limb, so it attacked again with its 5 other arm like appendages. It almost looked like a humanoid spider without the hair and eyes. So mostly nothing like a spider. I stabbed it electrocuting it to stun it but it recovered quite fast swinging and nearly missing me as I backed up to dodge it. 

The gangster got back off the ground after recovering from the previously dealt blow, looking pissed off. He picked up his hammer sauntering back over to the fight. While that was happening the monster hit me into the open door way knocking me back into the stairwell hitting my head on the bar. 

'Come on, let me out so I can have some fun. Show the others who's boss. Maybe even impress your Junnie hyung.'

No, I can't let him out. Must fight him. must fight it....Theirs no telling what he'll do. My vision begins to get spotty from the impact of hitting the bar as I feel something push for control of my conscious almost as if I'm being strapped into the back seat and someone else is driving. I can't help but to watch as my body walks back over to the fight. Junseo has blood on his face and his whole body is silver. His hands no longer hold his weapon as his body now holds the honor. His hands forming sharp blades.

'Damn he is really impressive. You really know how to pick him. Unfortunate he'll never truly care about you. Once this whole thing is over, it'll be like that day on the elevator again. All alone.' 

'Shut up. You don't know anything'

I stab the monster with my knife slamming the monster into the wall electrocuting it. I twist the knife, as it screams in pain falling to the ground temporarily unconscious. We loot supplies from different rooms and head up to the next floor. The monster excited is the first on to climb the stairs to the next floor.

"There's a monster in there, let's kill it." the monster cackles smiling at the two other men. Through my own eyes I can feel Junseo's confused stare as he see my eyes are black. He begins to approach me but the monster forces me to move back.

"Not too fast pretty boy, can't have you giving him the will to fight back. We can destroy the monster right now!" he beams looking between the two men before forcing my legs to begin walking through the double doors. We halt coming to an abrupt stop as he happens has more to say.

"You're scared, aren't you?" he teases immediately entering the floor. I'm pulled back quickly by the collar before we can get very far down the hallway. Please don't beat me up, please don't beat me up. I feel an immense pain in my stomach as I double over clutching my stomach. And he punched me. 

"You know we can't kill them right? And if we can, no one has discovered the way to do it yet, right?" Junseo asks. I feel myself be unbuckled from my backseat as I abruptly through into the drivers seat to be greeted with flames. I see a hand stretch out and pull in the gangster. 

"Sangwook!" Junseo yelled as the two of us ran into the hallway trying to find him. So that's his name...well this is not the time to be having revelations because this floor is well, hell. Everything around us is on fire. We felt a creature zoom by us, knocking us temporarily off our balance. We were met with this creepy human like monster with weird ass feet. He runs at us and Junseo preps his fists now lined with metal and I ready my spear from a crouched position. Suddenly, an arrow comes out of nowhere and pierces the creature setting it on fire. She goes to draw another arrow as I stand up. 

"Move," we hear as an older man steps in front of a young woman. He lights a Molotov cocktail as she readies her bow.

"Are you trying to burn the whole building down, sir?" she questions him as they approach us. 

"We can put out the fire later. Just relax."

"It will take ages to get to the first floor."

"My goodness. I'm not sure anyone will still be alive by then." After he says that Junseo and I walk out from our hiding spot behind a wall. They prepare their weapons incase we are monsters. I guess they have every right to do that because, I mean, we are. 

"Who's there?" the old man asks. Then the woman notices Sangwook laying on the ground near the group of us. She and Junseo both kneel down by his side. 

"He's alive," she declares after checking his pulse. 

"The monster left him alive?" the old man questions as we all inspect the room littered with the monsters victims. 

"What are you doing?" at this moment we all realized that the monster had not in fact left him alive. It took all of his energy, but Sangwook subdued the monster. Junseo and I each grabbed one of his shoulders and lugged him in the direction of where ever these two strangers are taking us. When we arrived at the apartment, the woman bandaged up Sangwook and Junseo barely ever left his side to make sure that he was actually okay. I was so tired from all the fighting against the monsters, both internal and external that after I sat down on the ground i passed out. 

To be continued...

2195 words 

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