Chapter One

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Chapter One

Bad Girls Club

I sighed and stretched while I glanced out the dirty Lab Bio window. The sun was hiding behind the clouds casting a dark overcast cover to the sky. I hid a yawn behind my hand and wiped the tired tears from my eyes.

Nothing was worse than having Science after lunch. Something about the combination of carbs and boredom zapped all the energy from my body. My friends and I even went to the principal to try to get Nap Time after lunch. I could never understand why the kindergartners deserved it and we didn’t, they didn’t have hormones.

I looked down and tried to concentrate on the book that lay open in front of me. Before I’d fallen asleep, I’d caught myself reading the same line over and over again the words becoming the perfect lullaby.

"Miss O’Brien, can you answer the question please?"

My head shot up in surprise. I didn't even hear the question. The chairs in the classroom screeched as the other students turned and looked my way. Their eyes bored into me and my cheeks reddened under their stares. I was frozen in my seat, caught between the need to move and the fear of fleeing. This was my waking nightmare; I hated it when so many people were gawking at me.

"Uhhh, I'm sorry, what was the question?" My gaze darted towards my best friend and Lab partner in a silent plea for help. I couldn’t even feel my hands they were so numb from shaking.

"Well Miss O’Brien if you were paying attention instead of napping, you would know that now wouldn't you."

I swallowed hard and glared at my teacher in frustration. He was tall and thin, willowy in his brown tweed pants and button up shirt. He was younger than he dressed, like he was trying overly hard to appear authoritative.

“Well Miss O’Brien…we’re waiting.” He said.

A few students laughed and his mouth pulled up at the corners in pleasure, he was enjoying this. He loved to humiliate his students every chance he could get.

"Sorry Mr. Mendoza." I said.

He cleared his throat and continued with his interrogations. The other students turned back around and my body shuddered in relief. If that never happened, again it would be too soon. I twisted in my seat and narrowed my eyes at my former best friend.

"Thanks for the help." I whispered.

Rhiannon snorted back a laugh. "Anytime, besides I didn’t know you were spacing, I'm not your mother."

The bell rang and the other students shoved their books into their backpacks. I put away my own and fell into step beside Rhiannon.

She was a classic pretty girl, medium height, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. The only things that set her apart from the "bobble heads" was the shiny silver stud in her nose, thick dark eyeliner, and an attitude that screamed don't F with me.

I was on the short side and somewhat thin. I have thick auburn hair that’s more annoying than pretty. If there's so much as a drop of water in the air, it gets crazy. My eyes are by far my best feature. They move between pale gray and deep violet depending on my mood. The rest of my features are slight and subtle, I didn’t really consider myself pretty, just average, normal even, and forgettable.

Lost in thought with my eyes on the floor I didn't see the other person until it was too late. When we crashed, I fell onto my butt in a less then graceful fashion. I looked up into a startled face. He was tall and built nicely, with thick-corded muscles running down his arms.

"What the hell?" I said up at him. He was a walking bulldozer.

"Nice one Pacey…” Rhiannon snorted. “Are you going to help her up or what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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