Chapter 4

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"Leg day tomorrow!" Yeonjun texted Luna. Her response was almost immediate. "I'm still in pain from the last leg day!" she complained, adding the eyes-rolling emoji. But even still, the next morning, Luna found herself at the dorm. She was dressed in a plain white T-shirt and purple leggings.

"Okay, let's do those lunges," Yeonjun encouraged her as Luna glared back at him. Despite her irritation, Luna had to admit that these workouts with Yeonjun had increased her stamina. She had been taking the stairs in her building recently instead of the elevator, and she barely broke a sweat these days.

"Invisible chair!" Yeonjun called out as he squatted half-way down and appeared to sit in a chair that wasn't there.

"Ugh," Luna groaned as she copied Yeonjun's movement. "Can't we just be fat and happy?" she groused.

"Run in place!" Yeonjun yelled, ignoring Luna's complaints.

"Just shoot me now, please," she replied. Yeonjun merely chuckled in response.

Finally, when their workout was done, they lay side-by-side on the floor in Yeonjun's room. "Now, don't you feel better?" he asked her as he fanned her flushed face.

"This is cruel and unusual punishment," Luna replied as she rolled on her side to face him.

"I guess I'm just used to it," Yeonjun told her. "In this business, you have to be in peak shape at all times. There's no opportunity to say that you're going to skip leg day and take a nap," he added.

"Now, you're just putting words in my mouth," she defended with a laugh. "I never mentioned taking a nap."

"You're right," he conceded. "The nap was my idea," he said as he rolled onto his side as well and wrapped Luna up in his arms and legs. He pulled her in close and kissed her glossy lips. Her mouth automatically opened to receive his tongue. She tugged slightly on his shirt, trying to pull it off, but Yeonjun suddenly stood and walked to the wall where he turned off the lights.

"Hey, why did you turn them off?" Luna questioned. "If I'm gonna take off your shirt, I'd like to be able to see you."

"Nah, there's nothing to see," Yeonjun replied. He came back and lay down on the floor with Luna again. He reached for her and pulled her tightly into his embrace. "Where were we?" he asked against her neck.

"Ah, we were at the part where you explain why you can't do this with the lights on," Luna challenged.

"Let's not make this a thing," Yeonjun said dryly. "It's not a thing," he reiterated before burying his face against Luna's neck. He began to kiss her earlobe, his breath tickling her ear.

Suddenly, Luna sat up. "I can't do this," she said. "Like, the shame coming off of you is palpable. I can't pretend like it's not there." She got up and went to the wall and turned the lights back on.

Yeonjun squinted in the brightly lit room. Luna came back and sat down on the floor. "Okay, I did all of your exercises this morning. Now, you have to try one of mine," she told him.

"Okay," Yeonjun answered hesitantly.

"We're gonna strip down to our underwear with the lights on and talk about how we feel," she explained.

"Okay, well, I can tell you right now that my first feeling is panic. What's this little exercise supposed to accomplish beyond embarrassing the hell out of me?" Yeonjun asked.

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