Chapter Twelve: Day Three

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Could it be...AN UPDATE? YAAAYY. Sorry guys it's been a pretty stressful week :/ but hey, AN UPDATE!! BUT GUYS. 1.05K. 1.05K. You are seriously the BEST ASDFGHJKL!!! I remember when 32 reads was a lot XD

Also: May 26 will be The Eleventh Hunger Games one year anniversary!!! *crowd cheers* I intended on finishing this fic under a year but clearly that's not going to happen lol. That's okay though, because I love writing this story. And always, thank you all SO SO much for the votes, amazing comments, and reads!!!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

~Side note: I tried to make this first scene as least-gruesome as possible, sorry!


Chapter Twelve

It would be an understatement to say that chaos erupted from the scene. The moment Tyveck and Nine's eyes locked, the battle had begun. With a blur, Nine whips out his concealed dagger and Tyveck raises his gleaming sword and leaps forward. Elastine quickly follows suit and charges towards a terrified Seven while the girl who killed the bird readies her spear. In less than a second Nine twists his body so Tyveck only manages to smash into Nine's side. Nine falls with a hmph escaping his lips, but quickly recovers and rolls to the side as Tyveck attempts to slash at his face with his sword. By now, Elastine has reached Seven and makes a swift cut through the air with the axe, just nearly missing Seven's face. His eyes widen and he spins on his heels and frantically scurries away from her, his bare feet sliding on the leaves. Now would be a horrible time to fall out of the tree...I quickly brush the thought of falling into slaughter grounds away and clasp the slim tree even tighter, my knuckles bone white.

I hear a yell. Down below, Nine has managed to make a deep cut in Tyveck's thigh. He takes Tyveck's pause as an advantage and immediately aims for the career tribute's heart. Or at least he would have, were it not for the giant spear burying itself into Nine's shoulder. He cries out in pain and drops the dagger. I suck in a breath and look for bird girl but end up with nothing. My heart leaps into my throat. What if she has spotted me? I risk shifting my position on the branch to look behind me. Still nothing. My eyes shoot back down to the fight, and suddenly I spot her peering behind an aspen tree near Seven and Elastine, gripping a small weapon in her hand. But clearly, her help is not needed, because Elastine has easily caught up to Seven and is now yanking on his shirt, spinning him around to face her. He gives a choked cry, defeat in his wild eyes, before she swings her axe and buries it in his head.

A cannon booms in the distance.

I stare down in horror at the inhumanity of it all. No, that's not quite right. The humanity of it all. We are willing to go so far as to kill another for pure enjoyment that it strips us down to our bare core, showing just how desperate and primitive we are. The mere thought churns my stomach. I hear Nine muffle a scream, whether in the pain in his shoulder or the loss of Seven (I suspect the latter.) Anger quickly replaces the pain in his eyes and he shoots to his feet, pulls out the spear, and charges at Tyveck with it. Tyveck quickly dodges the charge and jumps behind Nine, swinging his sword towards the tribute's neck. Nine immediately ducks his head and, using his good arm, brings down the spear and smashes it against the back of Tyveck's knees. He howls in pain but manages to keep his feet planted on the ground.

"You'll pay for that," Tyveck growls between clenched teeth. He swipes at Nine and a line of blood begins to form from the thin cut on Nine's cheek. Movement out of the corner of my eye makes me turn my head to see that Elastine has finally retrieved and is starting to slowly advance on Nine from the other side, motioning for the remaining tributes from her pack to stay put.

"You sure about that?" Nine seethes back. He makes a move with the spear towards Tyveck's head but changes directions and suddenly swings up his balled fist from his injured arm and punches Tyveck straight in the nose. I could hear the sharp crack of his nose breaking from up here. Tyveck moans and falls to his knees, covering his nose with his hands now coated in blood. "Didn't think so." Nine smirks, although the pain from his shoulder clearly seeps through his expression and he clenches his teeth. I wanted to yell. I wanted to scream, I wanted to do something to warn him. But it was too late.

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