Chapter 2

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When I awoke, I heard irritated conversation between the Australian dude and I', assuming the girl transformer.

"Blaze, what are we going to do with her? Optimus said no distractions and she's a major distraction."

He muttered, "Distraction? We just saved her life Aqua; we could not leave her there to die. Even if she is an ungrateful brat. We'll take her to Optimus and Bee. Bee could at least protect her in case more decepticons show up."

I opened my eyes and coughed, glaring over at the boy in the driver's seat. He jumped and took a deep breath.

"You American's really like scaring the crap out of foreigners, don't y'all?" He demanded. I cocked an eyebrow and snapped, 

"Oh yeah? Says the man that kidnapped me with his illegal transformer." Suddenly the car slammed to a stop, and I smashed my nose against the window.

"Oh, my bad," the radio started, "didn't mean to hurt your face, princess." 

"Aquamarine!! Be nice," the boy, who I'm assuming was Blaze, snapped.

I rolled my eyes in protest. "Don't apologize to me. I'm sure your transformer does not need any more pride. I'm sure she and Bumblebee get along great."

"Can you not insult Bumblebee? He's actually pretty cool. As for both of you, y'all need to chill." Blaze instructed.

"Who do you think you are? You sprain my ankle, kidnap me, let your transformer insult me, and then tell me to calm the hell down? I don't think so, foreigner."

He sighed in annoyance. 

"Look, we did not mean to get you involved in our war, but now that we have it's safer for you to stay with the autobots. With the decepticons on the loose, it's extremely dangerous for you to be wandering around without protection."

I gave him the bird. "And whose fault is that? Certainly not mine. I never intended to get involved in your stupid war," I spat. Blaze shifted in his seat.

"Hey Aqua, call Optimus. We need to report the mission and the. . . company we'll be bringing in." 

Irritation filled her tone as she replied through the radio, "Sure can-do Blaze. and you mean the garbage, since she's just some spoiled rich girl from the east coast."

Blaze cursed, "Aquamarine! Be nice! She's our guest and we need to treat her as such!!"

I coughed and said to no one in particular, "right here folks, right here. She doesn't need to apologize to me anyway because she's got a point."

There were several long moments of awkward silence. I started twirling one of my curls around my finger when the radio lit up, 

"Sorry. Optimus says I need to work on my people skills. Blaze is the only human I'm comfortable with. He and Optimus saved me when I was younger. We've been traveling together since."

I huffed in annoyance. "Don't care. I have no intention of sharing my backstory with a transformer who does not like me. I also do not intend to share my backstory with the boy who gave me a sprained ankle."

The female voice emitting from the radio chuckled. 

 "Boy? Blaze Key is far from a boy. There is so much more to him than meets the eye. To the both of us actually."

I shifted in my seat and observed the sleeping man in the driver's seat. He was not ugly in anyway. Stuble was slowly making its way over his face, his hair hanging slightly in his eyes.

"Hey, Blaze, wake your ass up. Incoming call from Optimus Prime." I watched in amazement as he immediately woke up, straightened his hair, and said, "Answer the call, Aquamarine."

"Key, mission report." Optimus ordered.

"It was successful, Optimus. However, there was a complication. We were picking up the package when we realized the decepticons had a hostage, a twenty-two-year-old American female, Caucasian, and the daughter of the most beloved novelists in America. We rescued her and are bringing her to the base with your permission sir."

I looked out the mirror, not wanting to hear the response. Optimus would say yes, but my father would learn about this and be infuriated. He'd be pissed if he discovered I was with the illegal aliens.

"No, we cannot afford to house another human at this time. Drop her off at one of the safe houses and leave Aquamarine as security."

Protests formed on Blaze's lips, and he spoke, "Optimus, Aquamarine and I cannot be separated, you know that. Plus, it's not safe for any of the autobots out there. The government still wants to tear everyone apart."

"You'll do as I say, understand me? But just to be safe, I'll send Bumblebee out there as well. I need you for a mission. Hurry up." He cut off and I watched Blaze sigh out of the corner of my eye.

"Optimus is not what I was expecting," I muttered. A hint of a smile appeared but quickly vanished. 

"Sorry, Sweetheart, but that is Optimus. Not everything appears as it is in real life. He's not sugar, spice, and everything nice. He's made for war, not hanging around and signing posters."

I frowned. "How did an Australian man get caught up in this war?" I asked, curious. He scoffed.

"Don't share backstory with strangers, mate. Anyway, Aqua, you know where to take us. Make it fast, Optimus does not like waiting."

I looked over at him, his features troubled with concern. Never had I ever seen a boy. . . no man, look so moody and depressed. 

"Uh," I stated when Aquamarine started blaring beach music. "He said no back story, Princess, so don't ask." 

I huffed in annoyance. "Is there anything we can talk about," I muttered. I did see a half cock smile appear on the edge of his lips out of the corner of my eye.

At that moment, my phone rang. I looked down at the caller I.D. and swore. "Pull over now!!" I hissed. 

Both Aquamarine and Blaze laughed at me. "NO, you'll try to run."

"No, I won't but unless you want the cops to be called on you for kidnapping me, I suggest you pull over now." 

Aquamarine pulled over and I stepped out of the car. "Dad, what do you want? After 8 months, now you finally decide to call me?"

There was a slight chuckle and this reply, "Of course, why would I miss my daughter realizing her destiny to assist the autobots in the war against the decepticons?"

Realization hit my face and paled considerably. 

"Hand over the car and Blaze Key, and you don't have to get involved. You can go back to your mother and forget any of this every happened. What do you say daughter, do we have a deal?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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