Pallet Visit

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To pallet city,

In front of prof. Oak lab a giant charizard landed and a guy with a pikachu and espeon got of from the charizard.

“Wait but you said you wanna stay at pokemon center right???” asks pikachu.

“Well espeon wanted to finish this job early So she told charizard to land here and don’t worry everything will be fine.” Says ash.

They entered the lab while charizard flies toward the nearby forest.

“Prof. Oak are you available?” ash shouts.

“What can i do for you?” prof. Oak asks.

“What are you researching about?” asks ash.

“Well It’s the bond phenomenon.” Replies the prof.

“May i know about it. Maybe i can help.” Ash offers.

“Maximum infos are confidential.” Prof. Says.

“come to the rench.” Ash says while going to the park and unclipping a poke ball from his belt.

Ash throws the pokaball and greninja comes out.

“my time has come. So how can i help you?” greninja asks.

“Just unleash the bond.” Says ash and puts his right hand on his chest.

Greninja mimics ash and soon both of their surroundings covered with water vortex and when the vortex died greninja is in his bond form and ash had no disguise.

“Ash is that you??” asks prof. While tearing up.

“the one and only.” Says ash with his signature grin.

“Glad to know that you are back.” Says prof. And hugs ash tightly.

“The feeling is mutual but i have some work so please the data.” Ash says.

“Oh yeah we couldn’t get much of it but me and sycamore concluded that bond phenomenon is the raw form of mega evolution like legendary pokemon can mega evolve without mega stones which is only some legendries the bond phenomenon work the same way the difference is bond phenomenon need a trainer and a pokemon and a deep bond between them.” Explains prof.

“well then it’s my turn to help. Did you ever heard of aura?” asks ash.

“Yeah the life force of every living being.”

“well then did you heard of aura guardians?.”  Ash asks again

“We don’t have much info about them but yeah i have heard about them.” Prof. Replies.

“The secret of this phenomenon is aura actually. Aura guardians actually the one who can do that and they can do that only with their greninja which they have deep bond. Legendaries have enormous amount of aura which they can use it To change form in ancient time dialga and pallia had their special form and giratina still have it’s other form. Shaymen also can change form with the blooming aura of the gracidia flower. Groudon and kyogre can change into their primal version with the help of red and blue orb which contains their extra aura which helps them four change. Same goes for galar legendary trio zacian zamazenta and eternetus. Zacian and zamazenta needs their chosen ones then that person needs to hold the rusted sword or rusted shield which will act as mega stone and the persons willpower acts as keystone and because of being chosen by them they creates a artificial bond which helps to change the form. Eternatus can change it’s for by collecting the galar perticales which is actually this parts which spread throughout the galar region. Kalos trio is a bit different because first xerneas she can change into a tree she lose most of her aura and same goes for yveltal it turns into cucone both stays asleep and regains their aura. Zygard don’t have to use it’s aura that much so it just spread it’s cell everywhere in the world to observe and the sunlight always recharges the cells' blackings of aura. Hoopa is different bacuse it’s aura actually sealed in the prism bottle when the aura released it helps him to change into it’s trueself or we say the unbound form. Keldeo the swords of justice also can change it’s form while needed he only needs to focus and channel the aura. Those who doesn’t have any form actually use their aura to maintain the balance of nature. Now come to the legendaries who can mega evolve they always preserve their aura for emergencies and when they need it they just release it and activate the mega evolution without the stones. But normal pokemon or in our case greninja doesn’t have enormous amount of aura so he needs help and that’s where we come in the aura guardians who have aura which is almost same amount as the legendaries so Through our bond greninja borrows our aura and change into the bond greninja. Other pokemons can’t do this because maximum pokemon doesn’t know how to handle the power not even the aura pokemon lucario. Greninja a ninja pokemon always knows how to deal with the power he gets to protect others. And that’s the only reason why greninja can bond evolve where it’s similar to mega evolution. Actually mega evolution is just the same thing but with a little artificial that’s why anyone can mega evolve if they have what they need. Bond evolution needs enormous amount of aura because we are  using ourselves as the source And the weapon but in mega evolution the stone acts like the source of power so no one needs to Have extra aura to mega evolve their pokemon.” Ash explains each and every details.

“Wow that’s a lot of information.” Prof. Oak says with a shocked face.

“All these years I did some research and being an aura guardian and having a great Guardian's diary helps a lot.” Says ash.

“wait you activated the bond phenomenon that means...” prof. Oak says.

“yeah i am an aura guardian.” Ash completes prof.’s words.

“That’s amazing.” Prof. Says.

“Well my work here is done now i shall take my leave.” Says ash while signalling espeon to call charizard.

“Don’t leave now boy.” Prof. Requests.

“Sorry prof. But i have other places to attend i will meet you soon but for now good bye.” Ash forbids his goodbye to the prof. Of kanto

“So where now ash?” asks charizard.

“to rota let’s pay her highness a visit.” Says ash.

“Hold on tight.” Says charizard.

Ok done for now man good to be back after a long break.

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