The flashback part 1 / The match and the mocking

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Chapter 2
With ash and two psychic pokemons-

“At last we connected.” Says Espeon in a relief

“Now let’s try to calm him down.” Says gardevoir with a little concern.

In ash’s mind-

7 years ago in galar :-

“Pikachu use 10 million volt thunderbolt” roars ash.

“Charizard g-max wildfire.” Commands leon

Both are at their last pokemon ash is with pikachu and leon with charizard

The z move and the last turn of gigantamax move clashes after that the charizard returns to the normal self almost fainted but on the other hand pikachu with ash’s hat is verge of fainting but still trying his best to stand again.

“Finish this with flamethrower.” Leon commanded for the last time of the match.

Pikachu fainted and ash lost the master’s 8. But then something unexpected happened. Everyone starts cheering for leon as usual but booing ash like he is nobody.

“What the...why all of them booing you?” asks leon confused

“I don’t know “ ash replies with a confused face.

“Well this was an obvious match between 2 of them leon is the undefeated world monarch galar champion and the loser ash who didn’t won any league. Hey ash ketchum you should quit being a trainer and be something else.” Insults the commentor

The audience started to laugh and making fun of him. Ash become devastated to see that everyone is laughing and booing him after a close look at the audience stand he became more devastated because there was his oast friends from every region except alolans. His friends thinks the same thing and when he saw serena he tried to get close to her. But she pushed him away.

“Loser, get away from me. I am the top co-ordinator of hoenn and you are a loser.” Serena says angrily.

“Ash please don’t be sad we are here for you.” Says leon while putting a hand on his shoulder.

Other champions rushed toward ash and started to consoling him except for iris and Steven because iris is with ash’s other friends and steven goes to the commentor room to take care of him.

Soon after the gym leaders of galar gathered around ash and marine the sister of gym leader piers tries her best to console him.

Soon he calmed down and got together.

“Thanks guys. I will go home and after that I will think about my journey later. I need some time.” Ash thanks.

“Listen ash don’t be sad I am with you. You are almost same age as hop. I see you as my brother so if you need any help I mean any kind of help just contact me. I will help you.” Assures leon.

“Ash you will get help from each and every champions from every region except the alola's first ever champion because we don’t know about him.” Says cynthia.

“Sorry cynthia to break your heart but the champion of unova won’t help me.” Points at iris who is with the other guys.

“As for alola. No need to worry because I am the alola's first champion and I don’t want this publicity I told them to keep it hidden.” Reveals his identity as the alolan champion.

“Ash is right. He is the champion of alola. He defeated the legendary guardian pokemon tapu-koko at the exhibition battle there you can confirm is through aeither paradise because they have footage of every battle of the alola league.” Says prof. Kukui while walking toward the champions and ash.

Suddenly the exhibition match between ash and kukui at the alola league starts to showing.

“Glad he did this now. Sorry ash but we are late. We thought we will surprise you with our visit but we are surprised to see this and brother did that with the help of champion steven.” Says lillie who comes running toward him with the alolan gang.

“Thanks guys.” Ash simply thanked them.

After that some one grabbed him and punched him really hard on his stomach.

“Brother what are you doing?” lillie questions worriedly.

“I told you. Ash I told you to reveal it. But the great trainer wants it to be hidden now face it ash they were booing you because you had no achievements now you have and  they all quiet and soon they will cheer too because you are a champion.” Shouts gladion who reaches to him using the shortcut with his pokemon.

“Ash they were after either your fame or your knowledge. The people who you thought friends actually used you.” Gladion says with anger.

“Thanks it really helped me. I will see you soon but I wanna go home now.” Ash says with sadness in his voice.

“Ok ash but if anything happened promise us that you will contact us.” Says leon while extending his hand and other champions and prof. Kukui and gladion also put their hands on top of leon's to show their support.

“I promise, I will.” Promises ash while putting his hand as a sign of acceptance.

“ok now let’s come with me. I will take you with me to kanto.” Says the champion of kanto and jhoto lance.

“Ok I will take that offer for now.” Accepts ash.

“Hey ash don’t forget about me sorry j am here at the commentor box and also airing the footage but remember I also with you and the promise you made there is also made to me too. So don’t you dare to break it.” Steven says through mic.

Ash chuckles at the rock lover's words.

The stadium is quiet and everyone is just watching how ash defeated the legendary pokemon with their z-move.

Ash is now recognised by others but he is now broken hearted man. So he just wanna go to his home so he reaches to pallet town as soon as he can with lance.

When ash about to enter his house he hears some voice which make him angry. They are the “so called friend” of his. But the most shocking thing was what they were talking about.

“listen he will come home soon. We will tell him that the stadium thing was a misunderstanding and he is a great trainer. He will believe us and then we will take his pokemon for us. The reason is simple he always gets the best one and we have to get some low level one which is useless. “ says misty.

“ok I Don’t need his pokemon I just want him.” Says serena with dream eyes.

“Well you also one of us who laughed at him.” May points.

“oh come on. He is famous now and I will be too if I become his girlfriend. After getting fame I will leave him here in the pallet.”Serena explains.

Ash is furious right now but the last voice and the person’s speech broke ash's heart into pieces.

“I just want him to be home and do some real job. He will never get anything like this. You guys can do anything but I just want him to be home in one piece.” Delia says.

Ash his heart broken but his mind wasn’t out so he runs toward the lab where his pokemons are. When he reached and explains the situation to Prof. Oak and tracey. They are just furious.

“Ash take this. This thing is prototype haven’t tested newly completed just few minutes ago but I am sure it will work it is a mini-pc and transferring machine. Because of being pic it can store your every single pokemon.” Tracey says while giving him the device.

“ go and get them. As for the device it can do everything you need. Just be safe.” Prof. Oak says while pointing towards his pokemons.

“prof. Tracey please do me a last favor. Put them into their ball and pack them in a bag. I will be back they don’t know that I heard everything. I am going now and thanks guys.”

Ok we can do that but I Don’t think that you should go.” Prof. Says with concern

“Don’t worry I will be fine.” Ash assures.

“Ok we are gathering them soon.”  Prof. Says in a sad tone.

Ash leaves the lab to go to his house for the last time.

Ok guys which ship I should do
No amour no aurelia no poke no advance no pearl no negai no bloombolt

I mean the girls who were close to ash like mellow Lana etc.

Comment Down and you can check out my channel

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