07. deal exchanged.

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 dottore's eyes remained fixated onto your features as he listened to you talk

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dottore's eyes remained fixated onto your features as he listened to you talk. you were telling him, in broken english, about what zander had told you. zander didn't tell you much, but he gave you enough information for you to be able to piece things together smoothly. for example, zander had once previously told you about how one of dottore's "patients" had a nearly fatal illness; and how it was a mystery about how she was still alive.

he never revealed "secret" details to you, however, he only shared with you the small and less important details. you never complained, of course, when he shared anything with you. he allowed you to have some sort of entertainment in this place. he gave you small stories of drama, gossip and you would always listen intensely at the stories.

one of your favorite stories, which you made sure to retell to dottore as your stomach was grumbling, was when zander told you about the others. not the other patients, but the others. the "others" were similar to dottore. you never got an official title for any of them, but you were aware of their existence. zander would tell you about how the "old man", pierro, would always get onto him for never doing "incredibly difficult tasks."

  "i see," dottore mumbled under his breath as he twisted his pale arm to allow a few drops of his blood to enter your mouth. his blood was sickly sweet like sodas or sweet tea that you used to consume when you were young. the blood was much thinner than the vial you were given, but it was easier to consume. it was lighter on the stomach, "now, you get more when you say what zander would do to you, sweet boy."

  "more, now," you spoke as your hands wrapped themselves around his wrist. your nails dug into his pale skin as you pushed his arm down onto your mouth. you craved for more of his blood, not due to his flavor, but due to starvation. you had never noticed how much you craved for the taste of blood until now.

you missed the taste so much. your parents had only ever given you animal's blood, when you lived with them. you had never had the taste of humane blood pass your lips and you were completely missing out.

you could hear a hiss escape dottore's lips as your teeth sunk into his bleeding arm. your teeth were that of a human's as you've been told. however, your canine teeth had to have been a bit sharper than usual as more blood continued to flow into his mouth.


dottore's spare hand had collided with your face, causing a loud smacking sound to echo throughout the room. you could feel the smack across your body as your face begun to sting.
  "god, you're fucking insufferable. you couldn't fucking hold out for a few minutes? what are you? a fucking addict?" his voice was stern and unkind as he spoke. his gloved hand rubbed over the bite mark on his arm, tugging down his sleeve, "you can starve for all i fucking care."

he went from calling you cute and sweet boy, and seemingly genuinely pleased with you, to a look of disgust. his lips were tightly turned downwards into a tight frown.  if you were able to see his eyes then you'd know for sure how disgusted he is with you.

it was almost as if your hunger for blood had damaged him and his ego; and now, he's threatening to starve you. surely, you could survive without human food? maybe? you had survived for so long without drinking any form of blood and practically survived on human food. though, your body was noticably weaker than what it once was - when you were drinking blood consistently.

your mind noticably regressed into a slight stage of stupidity, your limbs moved much slower and your strength became practically non-existent. after all, you did have to have dottore carry you every now and again. and all this time, you thought it was simply due to the experiments. while, those probably played a large role, it was ... because you were without blood.

otherwise, how could you have had the sudden surge of strength and confidence to bring dottore's arm to your lips? the blood had helped you gain the strength you had once lost, which dottore had to have known. he had to have noticed how your limbs suddenly had the strength to drag his arm down to your lips; especially after he had to carry you places, just a few days ago.

  "no, please," you said with a slight whining tone to your voice. your mind raced with countless of thoughts. you needed the blood. you wanted his blood. you couldn't go on without the blood.

  "fucking bitch. you bit my fucking arm," dottore scowled at you as he moved himself away from you. his footsteps were heavier as he walked.


  "oh? you're fucking sorry? how fucking wonderful! not like i'm fucking bleeding more or anything, 067!" he exclaimed, moving his arms dramatically as he yelled at you.

he didn't use your name. you were back to "067". you wanted him to use your name. your name sounded so much better leaving his mouth than your number. but no, you had to piss him off by being greedy.

this was all your fault. you ruined all the progress you had made with him. you ruined everything. it was all your fault.

you just couldn't help yourself, could you?

  "archons," dottore continued to mumble about you underneath his breath as he strapped you to the metal table. the clasps dug into your skin harshly, but it didn't seem like he cared that you were in pain.

you caused him pain, he'll cause you pain.

  "you know that vial of blood i gave you?" he started as his lips turned upwards, "it was that same patient's blood that zander told you about. the one with the disease? you drank her blood."




you drank ... diseased blood. your eyes couldn't help but to widen as he shared the news with you. you were so desperate to drink the blood that you hadn't noticed how it appeared or anything beyond the taste. though, it tasted good to you. wouldn't it have tastes ... revolting, if it was truly infected? like how spoiled food has a distinct taste.

  "and now? we're going to see what happens to you, all because you fucked up. funny, isn't it?" his face remained with an annoying grin plastered on as he spoke. his face was dangerously close to yours as he spoke.

  "please, sorry," you pleaded out to him as tears began to sting the corners of your eyes. you didn't want to become infected with a disease. you wanted to live. you wanted to be happy.

just like how you wanted him to say your name. you wanted him to act like how he was with you earlier. you wanted ... him to treat you specially. you were his special patient, right? right?

  "awe, you could make it up to me, sweet boy," he drew away from you and headed towards a cabinet.

sweet boy! he called you it again. you had upset yourself for no reason. he couldn't have been angry with you if he was going to call you sweet boy.


  "hm. i'm going to bring the girl in here, sweet boy, and you're going to act as ... my assistant, per say, while i experiment on her. in exchange, i won't starve you, and i'll help you with the diseased blood."

  "... but she kid?"

  "yes, she's a child, and it'll be fine, my sweet boy."

  "no hurt kid. that bad."

  "so you'd rather starve?"

067. [dottore x male reader.] Where stories live. Discover now