EP 3

13 1 0

It's been 2 weeks. The deadline is rapidly approaching and it's making both scientists feel anxious.

They've been working harder than before, even decided to push their limits. They've been staying up longer than they should be (they somehow went from getting 8 hours of sleep to 4 hours of sleep instead).

"Fuck, I need coffee", Soda huffed out as they try to rub away the tiredness.

"Mhm.. I also need something to drink", the other scientist muttered tiredly while cracking his back. The loud pop didn't faze his colleague. "Jeez, I should've ask for a month- I didn't expect it would take this long"

"Ugh, yeah", they sighed. Soda laid their head on the messy desk; tired from the amount of equations they have to do.

"Why not you go out and get us drinks? I'm pretty sure they just installed a coffee machine somewhere", the scientist immediately suggested as soon they remembered. Cy looked at him, yawning.
"I mean, sure. I'll pay for it", he stood up.

"So, the usual?"

Soda gave thumbs up without looking at him. "Yeah, decaf"


The scientist dozed off slightly, face uncomfortably leaning on the machine. Most scientists there didn't pay much attention to him as they are busy with their own work. Especially when their life is on the line as well.

Much like him.

When the machine beeped, signifying that the drinks are done; he jolted awake. He wiped away the tears with his sleeve then carefully picked up the hot drinks. He turned to the side.

As he about to move, few agents ran pass him. Some almost bumped into him. Though luckily, the drinks didn't spill on his coat, instead they spilled on the floor.

"Fuck- Watch where you going, you dumb fucks!", he yelled. Now a frown plastered on his face but at least that made him more awake.

"Assholes", he scoffed and continue his way back to the office. Whatever the agents are up to, something is definitely happening. And right now, all he want to do is finish the works and catch that sweet z's.

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