Prologue [Fixed]

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Sendai City

The vibrant streets of Sendai City buzzed with life as people hurried along, each lost in their own world. Yet, amidst this sea of humanity, one figure stood out like a quirk in the fabric of reality. This enigmatic man, distinguished by his shock of snowy white hair and a blindfold that defied the brightness of day, seemed immune to the odd glances and hushed whispers that trailed in his wake.

His demeanor was anything but ordinary. With an air of whimsy, he skipped along the pavement, his laughter a stark contrast to the hurried footsteps around him. He appeared utterly consumed by his thoughts, which revolved around a peculiar delicacy known as Kikufuku, filled to the brim with luscious cream. Passersby exchanged puzzled glances as they tried to make sense of the curious sight.

Then, with a suddenness that was as startling as it was intriguing, he came to an abrupt halt. His head pivoted, his blindfolded eyes fixating on a specific point in the distance. A mischievous smile played upon his lips.

"Oho~ that's interesting~," he declared with a childlike excitement, his voice carrying an almost magical quality. Without a second thought, he set off in the exact direction that had captured his fascination. The pedestrians who had been witnesses to his whimsical antics could only watch in wonder as he seamlessly disappeared into the bustling crowd, leaving behind an air of intrigue that hung in the street.




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