Chapter 13

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I'm a few hours late today, sorry about the delay!
Hope you enjoy the chapter :D


Hua Cheng thanked his past self for keeping a close eye on his surroundings when he'd chased after that rat demon, because he had done a rather good job memorising the way he'd come from, and thus had no trouble finding his way back to where he had left his entourage a few weeks ago. And of course he made sure to change his appearance to how he used to look before the seal on him had broken, before he set off.

Last time he had paid more attention to the chase itself than the distance the chase had covered, and while he recognised certain trees with particularly outstanding shapes, and was very sure he was still on the right track, he was surprised how far into the forest that demon had actually led him.

Eventually, he found the wide road he'd travelled on weeks ago, and was about to heave a sigh of relief, when his foot caught on something, and almost made him stumble. Hua Cheng caught himself quickly of course, but he was confused as to what he'd hit his foot against, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious. Kneeling down to get a look below the bushes, Hua Cheng found several pieces of wood, along with a dagger laying hidden and dirtied on the ground.

Frowning, he grabbed both the dagger and the biggest piece of wood he saw, before he got up on his feet again. Since he was in a very shallow part of the forest now, he had no trouble making out the details of said things.

The dagger was indeed very dirty, but there was no rust on it, which could only mean that it hadn't been there for too long. However, even more interesting was the fact that Hua Cheng's very own insignia was worked into the base of the handle. Frankly speaking, Hua Cheng always had many weapons with him when he travelled, simply for bragging and intimidation. But since nobody had dared to attack him on his travels yet, at least nobody significant, he wasn't in the habit of using these weapons and therefore wasn't all too familiar with them, either. Not that he'd need them anyway; his scimitar was more than enough to deal with random bandits on the streets. It was why he hadn't recognised this dagger as his own at first glance, but it didn't explain why his personal belongings had been put under a random bush at the edge of the road.

Frowning, Hua Cheng turned to examine the piece of wood a little closer than he usually would have. It was lacquered wood, black and shiny with a hint of silver decoration; no doubt one of his personal belongings as well. If he had to guess, it was probably the part of the box that the dagger used to be kept in. If that was the case, then the dagger would have to be a ceremonial one, and not one meant for battle. Which would explain even better why Hua Cheng hadn't recognised it at first glance. The last ceremony he took part in was his own wedding after all, and it hadn't even been used there.

Either way, Hua Cheng thought it was rather concerning to find one of his personal belongings, which had no doubt been securely stored on a cart, smashed to pieces and hidden underneath a bush.

He glanced around to confirm that there was indeed nobody close to him, before he went back down on his knees, and searched underneath the other bushes as well. Unfortunately, he didn't find much more, apart from wood pieces and a few rings he owned.

Once he'd cleaned the dagger and the rings, Hua Cheng decided to check the bushes on the other side of the road as well. However, what he found there when he stepped over the bushes left him stunned speechless.

On the ground were several skeletons of what could only be horses, among other debris.

Hua Cheng didn't bother to count the skeletons; the royal mark of his reign was plainly visible on the reins, which were still oddly in place on the skulls.

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