Eleanor Eaton had introduced her daughter to the magic of make-up from an age that most would deem too young, but Clara had followed in her mother's footsteps and found joy in the many shades of pink and red.  Years of a precise routine, Clara's practised movements allow her to put on a stunning face of makeup in under fifteen minutes, from perfectly shaded cheeks, to sharp, elegant black lining her eyes. Tonight, Clara took comfort in the familiarity, blending her blush into her face powder and adding a touch of glitter to her cheekbones and the corner of her eyes.  With a steady hand, she painted kohl onto her lashes and around the lid, her sparkling blue eyes standing out against the black. 

With her makeup completed, she uses a towel to dry the last of her hair, the damp locks falling down the back of her robe. She scowls at her reflection, hating to see the bright golden colour reduced to a darker brown by the bathwater. Lucy assists in the drying and fluffs the strands into a loose wave, ready to be plaited and pinned. 

"What about shoes and jewels?" She asks as she dries the last section of Clara's hair. 

"I have a pair of heels that match the dress." Clara tells her, shielding her face, "Hopefully they will have been brought across, as for jewels." She sighs, despondent, "Most of mine are locked in the vault at the bank or at Hatherly Manor so I will have to settle for my pearls." 

"But that will not do!" Lucy exclaims startling her with her enthusiasm. "Please excuse me for a moment." The maid scampers from the room before Clara could protest, leaving her to pat the front section of her hair dry. The golden gleam had started to return, and she is envisioning her updo, desiring something elegant and understated when Lucy bursts back into the room. 

"Here." She holds out a box. 

Clara swivels on her chair and gives her a suspicious stare. "What is this?" 

"The mistress has loaned you this set for the evening." Lucy opens the box to reveal a set of oval diamond earrings and a simple silver chain with a drop diamond on the bottom. "Aren't they beautiful?" 

"Yes, very," Clara says, reaching out to touch the diamond necklace. She holds it up to the light, admiring it as it sends sparkles all across the room. "Are you certain Eliza is happy for me to borrow this? It is a priceless item, and will have cost her a fortune." 

"Yes. She said she is delighted that it will be out of the house for a change." Lucy reassures, taking the necklace and positioning it around Clara's neck. "She hardly wears her old jewellery anymore. She likes to wear the items that the duke has bought her instead. There!" She places the diamond flat in the middle of Clara's chest. "Beautiful." 

"Thank you, Lucy," Clara says, taking the earrings and putting them in, the dangling jewels glittering. 

"It is my pleasure." Lucy says happily, "And now for your hair, what would  you like?" 

It takes the two girls an hour to complete Clara's hair, having to restart a few times and redo each section until it is identical on both sides. Under Clara's instruction, the bottom section of her hair has been left loose, curling down her back, whereas the top part has been separated into two sections and then twisted around the back until they connect at the top of her head. Then the middle section has been secured at the base of her head and brought over the top section, giving high volume to the updo. Lucy pins tiny pearls along the fluffed-up section and pulls two curls free from the front to let them frame Clara's face. It has an elegant but less formal look, suiting the natural colours of the make-up and allowing the dress to be the statement piece.  

At 6:45, Clara wriggles into her gown, holding her breath as Lucy laces up the corset, securing her firmly into the dress. She places a hand on her stomach and draws in a breath, the corset narrowing her waist and flaring out at her hips. In the mirror, she watches as the dress moulds around her body, the cool silk flush against her skin. The tight bodice clings to her every curve, elongating her torso and drawing attention to the open v-shaped neckline and the small sleeves that sit off her shoulders. This daring scoop draws attention to her bare collarbones and the necklace that stops just above the point of the v. The skirt flares out at the top of her hips in a soft line and cascades to her feet in many layers of rich material. The dark velvet embroidery is concentrated around the hem, swirling and interlocking at the bottom of the skirt, as well as outlining the sleeves and top of the bodice.  

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