The lock opened after only a couple of seconds. She was an expert by now. Her hand lingered on it for a bit too long. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She took off the lock from its hook and gently pushed open the main gate, just a couple inches. She hesitated for only a moment before pushing it further. The metal iron felt filthy in her hands. The cold breeze brushed her hair from her face as she stepped inside and closed the gate behind her. She was here now. Behind the metal gates, where she had always dreamed of coming. The first one to be here in years. She looked back through the gates at the houses and trees behind it. They felt like completely another world to her, watching it from this side.

She took a deep breath and turned around before starting to walk towards the front door of the house. The place looked even scarier on the inside. The trees looked as though they were eyeing her, regarding her judgmentally. The house looked as if it was waiting for her. And the windows looked as if there was someone behind it, watching her or maybe even calling her, wanting her to go inside. Ellora didn't know if it was all just her mind playing tricks on her, but it frightened her no less.

She shrugged off the fear, allowing it to be replaced by excitement. She was finally going inside that house. Her forever desire was going to be complete. She finally felt like one of those main characters from the books; brave and important. She stopped once she was in Front of the main door. It was closed. But not by a lock. It was a door knob. How would she open it? Can the paperclip help? She had never opened one of these with it.

She gripped the door and twisted it, although she knew it was locked. But to her surprise, it wasn't. The knob twisted completely and the door easily opened. Ellora stared at it for a moment, not being able to believe her luck. Why was it open? Not that she was complaining. She slowly pushed the door open and it made a cracking noise just like it does in the movies. She tried to look inside the house. It was pitch dark and she couldn't see anything. The thought that she had opened the door was enough overwhelming for her. This door, which hadn't been open in fifteen years.

Ellora took and released probably the deepest and longest breath of her life before finally stepping inside the house. Inside, it was somehow even colder. She could feel it even through her hoodie. She took out her flashlight from her pocket and switched it on. She considered the door for a moment, not sure whether she should close it or not. But then decided to push it behind but leaving just a bit of space so not to close it completely. Then she looked ahead of her, the flashlight making the room slowly come into view.

She took in every single detail. It was the living room. The room where Alyaan Hadid died. Goosebumps ran over her body thinking about it. The design of the living was almost the same as her own house. There were two sets of blue sofas in the middle. He must like that color, Ellora guessed, seeing that he had painted the house blue, too. There was a glass table in front of the sofas and an old T.V model in Front of them all. Ellora expected all the furniture to be covered with sheets or something. But they weren't. She guessed Iqyaan wasn't really in a situation to bother to cover everything after his father's death. The kitchen wasn't behind them like in Ellora's house. It was on the left side with a set of stairs leading up to the upstairs.

Ellora took out her phone and started video recording. She started walking slowly as if any sound may wake someone up. The floor was filthy, filled with dust and black marks that you get if you don't clean a place for a long time.

She flashed light at every object as she recorded them. First, the sofas. Ellora got closer to them, recording each one particularly. This must be the place where Alyaan and Iqyaan had spent their evenings watching T.V., having tea or coffee. They had talked about things and laughed, sitting here together.

The sofa's were dirty, covered with dust. Ellora could also see spider webs over them. But when Ellora inspected closer, she noticed something odd. One of the sofas wasn't quite like the others. The other sofas weren't only dirty, they were filthy. But this one with it's back to the kitchen, looked a bit cleaner. It wasn't that clean because it's color like the others, too, looked more like black than blue. But the difference was noticeable.

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