They swam and quickly reached the maruies, still in the water.

It was very dark outside now, all the sea life glowed, illuminating their path.

Kiri found her mauri and got off her ilu, sitting down on the platform just above the water.

Te'rani moved her ilu closer.

"Hey....about wanna talk about it?" She asked her.

Kiri looked at her for a second before nodding. Te'rani got off Ayu'te and pushed herself up to sit next to Kiri.

"What's bothering you baby girl" She asked.

Te'rani saw Kiri close her eyes for a while. Te'rani gazed at her with soft, concerned eyes. She knew what that expression meant. Kiri began to shed tears.

Te'rani placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"The sky people....they took spider" Kiri's voice cracked.

"He was our brother" Kiri sniffed.

Te'rani's heart broke for her.

"Oh kiri..." She said softly in a sad tone.

"But that's not it" she said.

Te'rani waited for her to continue.

She didn't notice it, but the little fish in the water below them were swimming in circles around both Te'rani and Kiri's feet.

"I feel her"


"Eywa. She's so close. I hear her heartbeat"

"She't just...there. Like a word about to be spoken" Kiri said.

Te'rani smiled slightly. She is.

"I don't get it, why am I different? What does the great mother want from me?"

Te'rani recognized those words. She'd been wondering the same thing for a long time now.

From behind them, Neytiri watched her daughter talk to Te'rani. She felt a sort of longing to talk with Te'rani, to listen to her talk about the ocean, to just spend more time in the presence of such a calming person.

Neytiri watched for a while before Tuk held her hand and attempted to pull her away and grab her attention.

"Eywa has something different planned for all of us, you a way...I'm going through what you are"

"I have gone through what you are" Te'rani spoke.

Kiri turned to look at her.

Te'rani looked at her sadly.

She brought her hand to Kiri's face and wiped most of the tears that went down her cheeks.

Kiri felt greatful for Te'rani. She found a friend, someone who could understand her. Te'rani didn't think Kiri was weird for her abilities, instead she thought Kiri was special. It touched Kiri's heart.

Te'rani thought it would be better if she didn't tell anyone about her visions. She knew she could trust kiri, but she didn't know how it would turn out if she spoke about her visions. There was some sort of taboo on it that Te'rani didn't understand.

Heck, Te'rani wasn't even sure yet if her visions were going to come true.

Te'rani ever so slightly shook her head at herself, no, she decided she couldn't speak about her vision.

"Eywa loves you, she will reveal her purpose sooner or later" She said.

Kiri nodded.

Te'rani removed her hands from kiri's face and looked at her for a second and smiled.

She opened her arms wide and looked at Kiri happily.

Kiri chuckled a little and smiled finally. She leaned into the hug.

Kiri was much smaller than Te'rani, but it felt good to be held. It reminded her of a parental kind of embrace.

Te'rani swayed around a little, causing Kiri to laugh into her chest.

Te'rani smiled as she rested her head above Kiri's shortly, before letting go.

"So...what does Eywa's heartbeat sound like?" Te'rani asked.

Kiri looked at her.

"Mighty" she said in a confident tone.

Te'rani smiled in awe. Kiri truly was special. And she was right. Eywa was mighty.

Their moment was ruined when they heard Neteyam's voice from inside the mauri.

"Tell her what you told me" he said from a distance.

Both kiri and Te'rani turned to see him infront of Neytiri, with Ao'nung.

Te'rani got up immediately. She walked to them with Kiri by her side.

Little Tuk went to stand next to Neteyam, who looked between Ao'nung and his mother in anger.

Neteyam looked really pissed. Ao'nung definatlly did something. What was it this time?

Ao'nung looked more ashamed and nervous when he saw his aunt.

"I took Lo'ak outside the reef" He looked down.

Neytiri gasped, she was standing infront of Te'rani, who did so too.

"You did what?" Fury and disbelief dripped in Te'rani's voice.

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