⚡️ Chapter 37 ⚡️

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"Friends, don't make me laugh," Lavender responded scornfully. "She didn't talk to him for weeks after he started going out with me! But I suppose she wants to make up with him now that he's all interesting..."

"Would you call getting poisoned being interesting?" Vega asked sharply, raising her eyebrows at the blonde. "Because you have your priorities in the wrong –"

"Anyway – sorry, got to go – there's McLaggen coming for a talk about Quidditch," Harry interjected hurriedly as he grabbed Vega's arm and pulled her along.

With that, the two of them dashed sideways through a door pretending to be solid wall and sprinted down the shortcut that would take them off to Potions where, thankfully, neither Lavender nor McLaggen could follow them.

On the morning of the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff the following Saturday, Vega and Harry dropped in on the Hospital Wing before heading down to the pitch. Ron was very agitated; Madam Pomfrey would not let him go down to watch the match, feeling it would overexcite him. But Vega agreed that it was for his best.

"So, how's McLaggen shaping up?" Ron asked them nervously, apparently forgetting that he had already asked the same question twice. Vega looked at Harry.

"I've told you," Harry said patiently. "He could be world-class and I wouldn't want to keep him. He keeps trying to tell everyone what to do, he thinks he could play every position better than the rest of us. I can't wait to be shot of him. And speaking of getting shot of people," He added, getting to his feet and picking up his Firebolt.

"Also, will you stop pretending to be asleep when Lavender comes to see you?" Vega spoke up. "She's driving Harry and I mad so much – I know you would love to see your girlfriend's face as the first thing in the morning but I don't want her standing over my bed when I wake up,"

"Oh," Ron said, looking rather sheepish. "Yeah. All right, right, sorry, Vega,"

"It's fine," Vega replied. "And you know... if you don't want to go out with her anymore then you must tell her about your feelings – or lack thereof. It's not nice to lead people on, and it will only become harder for you in the future if you hope to break up,"

"Yeah... well... it's not that easy right now either, is it?" Ron said. He paused, and then added casually, "Hermione going to look in before the match?"

"No, she's already gone down to the pitch with Ginny," Vega informed.

"Oh," Ron said, looking rather glum, causing Vega and Harry to share a quick look. "Right. Well, good luck. Hope you hammer McLag – I mean, Smith,"

"We'll try – or well, I will try to," Vega said while Harry shouldered his broom, nodding in agreement. "If he doesn't hammer one of us down, of course. Anyway, see you after the match,"

Vega and Harry hurried down through the deserted corridors; the whole school was outside, either already seated in the stadium or heading down toward it. She was looking out of the windows she passed, trying to gauge how much wind they were facing, when a noise ahead made her glance up and she saw Malfoy walking toward them, accompanied by two girls, both of whom looked sulky and resentful to be with him.

Malfoy stopped short at the sight of Vega and Harry, then gave a short, humourless laugh and continued walking. Vega continued to walk on but Harry stopped in his steps.

"Where're you going?" Harry demanded.

"Yeah, I'm really going to tell you, because it's your business, Potter," Malfoy sneered. "You'd better hurry up, they'll be waiting for 'the Chosen Captain' – 'the Boy Who Scored' – whatever they call you these days,"

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