Chapter Three: I Couldn't Save Him

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Another POV change, same thing with the larger gap. It isn't Tanjiro this time though.


Tanjiro dodges to the side and rolls to a stop on the ground. He managed to dodge being cut in half but still got hit by the thread. The boy shakily stands up while clutching his broken sword. My siblings and I watch him calmly as he stands there, panting. Rui sends multiple attacks but yet again Tanjiro dodges them. These attacks are clearly taking a toll on Tanjiro and Rui isn't even using his toughest threads.

"What now? Do you still refuse to take back what you said earlier? You refuse? Fine. I'll put an end to you now."

Rui sends a finishing blow towards Tanjiro. It's an attack he definitely won't be able to dodge. I'm slightly disappointed the fight is ending, this was getting rather interesting. Blood splatters as the threads hit a body but it's not Tanjiro's. A demon girl with a bamboo muzzle came out of the box on his back and took the blow for him! Why?!


Tanjiro grabs the demon girl, Nezuko, and rushes off to the side behind a tree. I just stare with absolute surprise as my sister says what we're all thinking.

"The girl emerged from that box and defended him. But, I'm sure she's one of us!"

My sister and I look to Rui to see him shaking with wide eyes. I cautiously give him a hug and hold onto his hand, unsure how stable he is right now.

"That girl. Is she... is... is she your sibling?"

"And so what if she is?!"

"Siblings... siblings. His sisters been turned into a demon, yet she stays by his side."


"She risked her own life, to protect him. That is a genuine bond, and it'll be mine!"

"Rui! Hold on a second! Please reconsider! I'm your elder sister! You can't abandon me!"

"Shut up!"


I squeeze Rui's hand in surprise as his threads cut right through my sister. Trees fall down along with the pieces of her body. He completely ignored what she was saying...

"None of you, except for y/n, were ever able to fulfil the roles you were assigned. Not once, in your entire life. Y/n was the only one to think about the rest of the family and not just herself, unlike the rest of you as you just demonstrated moments ago.

"Wait, brother. Wasn't I one of the elder sisters that you wanted? Give me another chance!"

"Very well then, go kill the humans wandering all over this mountain. If you do that, I'll forgive you for what just happened."

"A-alright. Yes, I'll do that."

Then my sister runs off into the forest carrying her teary eyed head. I'm tempted to follow her but stay with my brother. Rui pulls me close and whispers in my ear to bring him the girl if Tanjiro doesn't hand her over peacefully. I nod my head and carefully move closer to the siblings.

"Boy, let's talk. Just the two of us. Come on out. The truth is, what your sister did. I found it genuinely moving to behold. I doubt any words exist that describe exactly how I felt. However your fate now is death. A disagreeable conclusion for you no doubt. So listen close. I'll impart to you on how you can escape your fate. It involves your sister. I want you to give her to me. If you do so, then I will spare your life."

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"As of today, instead of being your little sister, she's mine."

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