The Library

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"Alright, here we are!" Jackson said as they both reached the bed in the Library, "Here, why don't you lay down, and then tell me what's wrong?" Jackson asked, Misao nodded, she layed down in the bed, and began quietly crying into the pillow, she pulled the covers over her.

'Aw jeez, something bad must have happened, why was she in school at night? She didn't seem like the type to stay at school after hours, who was she?' Jackson wondered.

Soon, her tears stopped.

"Um, have you calmed down?" Jackson asked, the girl turned over, and her green eyes looked at Jackson, "Yes." She replied

Jackson felt relieved, "Okay, so, um, what happened? Why were you in the bathroom this late?" He asked, "Um, wh-why were you at school this late?" She asked

'Of course she'd answer with a question.' Jackson thought

"Okay, so uh, I finished my last period, and I was getting thirsty, this bald kid offered me a drink, he said he was part of the student council or something, I drank it, and then I felt sick, I ran to the bathroom, and then passed out, then I woke up and heard you crying." Jackson said, Misao looked down nervously.

"So, what happened to you?" Jackson asked

Misao stared for a little bit, "I... I had my heart broken, I, I shut myself in the bathroom, and..." She stopped, before shedding more tears, "That's it? I get rejected all day every day!" Jackson boasted.

Misao suddenly started crying again, "I..." she couldn't speak.

"Misao, is there something your not telling me?" Jackson asked, "N-no! I.. I don't wanna talk about it!" She said

"Alright, alright, here, why don't I get you a drink?" Jackson asked
"O-okay, um, I'm s-sorry, I just..." She let a bit of her secret slip out, and she couldn't take it back.

She went back to crying as Jackson retrieved her drink.

When Jackson came back, he had a soda in hand, and placed it beside her, she was... cute?

"Here, let me open it for you." He offered, he opened it, and gave it to her, she took a long sip, and handed it back to him

"I... I was being bullied, they, they blackmailed me, they have p-pictures of me..."

Jackson's face instantly turned red upon imagining this girl naked

"Wh-wha?" He asked, "I..."

Misao explained everything that happened to her

Jackson was shocked, the poor girl in front of him burst into tears as she instinctively hugged Jackson for comfort, he hugged her back
Jackson felt an urge, and urge to protect this girl, to keep her safe, to give justice to whoever did this to her...
But that was impossible, why would she even care about him? She likes that Tohma kid.

But Jackson wasn't your average japanese high school kid, in fact, he was American

He didn't care if he had a chance, he just wanted to help this girl...

Misao: her saviorWhere stories live. Discover now