Finally, Hope got her food in a bag and carried it and her drink out of the bar. She heard people following after her and turned down an alley. Suddenly, two vampires jumped off of the roof and landed in front of her with ease.

She looked at them before looking at the vampires that then landed behind her. She sighed and set her bag and drink down. "What do you want?" She questioned, unsurprised she couldn't even get home without being interrupted by someone.

"Werewolves aren't welcome in the Quarter" one of the vampires said.

"And what makes you think I'm a werewolf?" Hope commented, raising an eyebrow.

"I know the scent of werewolves. Your kind have a distinct odor. Werewolves are supposed to remain in the bayou"

"Well maybe your senses aren't as sharp as you think they are. Look, fighting really isn't something I should be doing right now" the tribrid replied.

The vampires then moved to attack her all at once, ignoring her request to not fight. She kicked one and grabbed another, shoving him into the third. The first one recovered and threw her back against the wall. She pushed herself up and moved to fight the vampires that came at her. She got behind one and snapped his neck before throwing another two back magically, pinning them to the wall. The last one came at her while she was holding the other two up against the wall, and she had to let the two go to block the hit the fourth vampire was sending her way. She did a spell to blast them all back, having to quickly summon her food to her to avoid it getting crushed by a vampire. She blocked them with a barrier spell to keep them secured long enough for her to go out of there.

It was only once she finished doing what she needed to do that she noticed the blonde staring at the scene in shock.

"Camille?" Hope questioned, surprised. "Look, I know you're probably confused. But it was just a trick."

"No, that was magic. You can't just do that as a trick-" Camille said, still looking at the scene. "How did you- Magic's real?" This opened up the world to so many possibilities. She had questions following her brother's death, but this confirmed magic and opened up other possibilities. Possibilities that could make more sense.

"Look, I can explain it to you later, but I really need to go" Hope said.

"I'm coming with you"

"You just saw me attack these guys, and you want to come with me?" The tribrid questioned incredulously.

"I have questions. So many questions. And I'm not leaving until I at least get answers to a few of them" the blonde said, following after Hope as the tribrid began to leave the alley.

"I don't think that is a good idea" Hope said as she headed down the street with her food and drink.

"Please" Camille said, looking at her. "I need to know"

"You really don't. And I'm sure you will get answers eventually." Hope said. "This isn't the time to find out about it. And I really just want to get home"

"Lizzie-" Camille said, causing Hope to stop in her tracks at the sound of her best friend's name.

"I'm sorry, Camille. Just... go home" Hope said.

Finally, the blonde turned and left her alone. Guilt weighed in the tribrid's heart, but she knew it was the right thing to do. She took a deep breath and headed to the Abattoir, needing to take a look at some of the books her family likely had here, collecting dust. Except, when she got to the door, she realized her mistake. The house was already occupied. Why hadn't she considered that possibility?

She turned to walk away from the front door she had stopped at only to find herself face to face with Marcel. Someone she definitely should have made sure to stay clear of. If only she had thought things through instead of focusing on getting to books that likely were not going to be useful. If only her family had bothered to give her details about their past instead of trying to shelter her from their past mistakes. She only really knew what she had found out from what the books Camille, Dr. Saltzman, and Stefan Salvatore's diary had written in it.

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