|17| j a l a p e ñ o

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It's not?

"What do I do now?" I asked wearily, my voice low and tired. This is actually what I have been stressing on for about an hour now, that I just wanted to rip my hair off my scalp and bang my head hard, against the sinks-not that I recommend the violence of course but the thing is, I never liked two people at the same time. Probably had difficulties in choosing which flavor of ice cream or which top to use but never, this kind of dilemma.

It's... just frustrating in a different kind of way.

Snapping her head towards me, she gave me a confused look. "What, what do you do?"

I sighed, tucking my hair behind my ear and playing with the heel of my chucks. "Is it okay to like two people at the same time?"

She let out a soft chuckle and shook her head in amusement as she pat my shoulder lightly. "You know Anna, it's okay to have a crush. It's okay to have two crushes and it's still okay to have a lot of crushes. As long as you're not dating one of them. or you're not exclusively going out with someone. As long as that's the case, you're good."


She quickly interrupted me by giving me a pointed glare which automatically made me shut up. "Chill! It's not like you're cheating on one of them. And it's not like one asked you out, but if they do then you better start sorting yourself out. But as of the moment, enjoy the feeling Anna, live a little." She gave my shoulder a light shove as she winked at me, making me laugh.

Maybe Lily's right. I shouldn't pressure myself. It's not like I am seeing someone right now. It's just crush. It would soon fade away.

"You know, at least the only trouble you have is choosing between Austin and Patrick while I on the other hand, have to choose between Sean O'Pry and Francisco Lachowski! Imagine the stress I am going through."

Oh Lily.


"Hey I already ordered for you, burger with barbeque sauce and onion rings right?" Patrick beamed at me, sliding a tray to me as I sat myself down beside Kayla and Vincent. He's seated across me alongside Austin, Tori and Stephen who are already eating their own burgers.

A small smile tug at the ends of my lips upon seeing the food that he ordered. Of course he knows my favorite, and of course he'll pay for it. He's Patrick.

"Thanks," I mumbled shyly, lifting up the bun to see the sauce and smiling up at him.

"Sure thing."

"Speaking of barbeque," Stephen piped in as he placed his burger down, "Austin here is having a barbeque party next week for his parent's wedding anniversary. You guys wanna come?"

"Well thank you for being so kind and inviting them yourself Stephen," Austin sarcastically said sending his best friend a pointed look.

"Oh! We don't need to come. We don't want to be intruding," Kayla beside me, apologetically muttered. Sending Austin a sorry smile.

Austin shook his head and chuckled. "Nah it's cool. You guys are invited, I just want to do it myself but this as-"

"Shh!" Tor reprimanded, giving Austin a warning look.

"-piring dude here, did it himself," Austin continued, smiling down innocently at Tori who nodded in approval.

Stephen let out a low whistle and slammed his hand loudly against the table, causing the girls to shriek. "See? You're gonna invite them anyway so why double the effort?"

"Psh," Austin muttered under his breath and I can't help but smile a little at how cute he is when he's annoyed. The way his eyebrows knit together, how his lips twitch in a brooding scowl with his dimples showing every time. It's just so... Austin.

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