Chapter One

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A/N I have just re read this book and realised how awful it was so I'm going back and updating all the chapters before I add onto this book. All italics???? I think the font it called are the thoughts of the character of whatever pov it is!!

I was sat in my room on Kamino doing some studies at my desk, Lana Se is helping me to eventually become a scientist or medic on Kamino. Although I really want to become a soldier like my brothers but that could never be possible.

I was just sat daydreaming looking out of the window at the chaos of one of the hangers on Kamino until I heard 3 loud and sharp knocks on the door. I honestly just assumed it was a Kaminoan so didn't answer the door and just gave a blunt "come in". I just stayed facing out the window until I heard a familiar voice say "y/n! Long time no see sis" my face lit up and jumped up recognising the voice to be Fives and hugged him as he had been on missions with the 501st for a few months.

We both sat down and had a long needed conversation "so umm not that I'm not enjoying this chat buttttt, where's Echo?" I asked him with a little smirk, Fives mirrored the smirk and said "probably getting food he's been complaining about being hungry for days, but don't worry kid I told him I was coming straight here so he won't be long" I let out a chuckle and turned my head away from fives. "Fives can I ask you a question?" He responded "sure kid anything" I gave out a sigh and said "can you train me to be a soldier like you and Echo? I don't want to be a scientist or medic like the Kaminoans are making me" Fives tried to respond but was interrupted by Echo opening the loud door "Echo!!" I yelled running over to give him a hug "jesus kid nearly knocked me into next cycle" he said in a playful way, I barked a laugh at that then grabbed his hand and dragged him over to where Fives was sitting "I just asked Fives if he could maybe train me to become a soldier like you two! Can you train me as well?" Echo and Fives shared the same unsure look and the Echo turned to you "being a soldier is a very hard a dangerous job but we can maybe speak to the Kaminoans about it and um we'll see kid" anything is better than nothing I guess I thought but I then smiled at the pair.

As we were talking and finishing our catch up Fives got a call from Captain Rex on his comm link saying "Fives get Echo and come to the briefing room we have another mission" I pulled a face and groaned as they both got up to leave but they assured me that they would be back after the briefing and to just continue with my studies as I was told. Fuck that.

About an hour had past and I was getting bored of waiting so got up to go and find them. I knew where the briefing room was so went to listen in on what was happening. I pressed my right ear against the thick door only to realise I was clearly wasting my time and the was no way I could hear them like this. There was a console next to the door so you pressed the button that looked like it would open the door. Well hopefully it would open the door. And low and behold it did open the door, that happiness was short lived as all I  managed to hear was 'citadel' before Fives turned around "y/n? Is that you" he said in a confused voice you replied with "um no" very subtle even though he, Echo and everyone else could clearly see me and I took off running towards the library.

I said a quick hello and muttered an apology to a clone I nearly crashed into and sat down at a computer and did research on the citadel, I managed to figure out it was a prison so it would be nearly impossible to get in and out in one piece. Well shit.

~~ Fives POV ~~

"Y/n? is that you" I could clearly see it was her and looked at my twin, she backed up a little bit and said "um no" and ran off. I shook my head and let out a breathy laugh and Echo let out a small sigh and both got back to the briefing. There was a break in the breefing when the Jedi stepped away and Rex took that opportunity and came up to me and Echo "Fives, Echo I'm assuming you know who that kid was" he asked us "um yes sir her name is y/n she is a clone like us, me and Fives have gotten quite close to her with our time on kamino" Echo quickly replied, he was always better at thinking on the spot, "without her we never would have made it as soldiers sir, she gave us the bit of motivation we needed" I added on. Rex smirked and said "I would quite like to meet her then if she gave me my boys" I smiled brightly and Echo beamed once Rex said that we were his boys holy fucking shit. The Jedi then returned to the holo table so we got back to the briefing.

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