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thalia (taa-lee-yah)

the dreadfully loud sound of the clock ticking, the water dispenser dripping, even the dull sound of footsteps roaming the entire building, all these noises are driving me crazy.

i sit impatiently, squirming around on the uncomfortable cushion of the waiting room chair.

tick, tock, tick, tock the clock ticks endlessly, the sounds getting louder by the second. finally, the familiar sound of the office door rings through the room, signaling the office was finally free and i am done waiting for my appointment with ashton, my manager.

i get up from my seat, picking up my bag from the floor. i strut over to the office, quietly closing the door while i step in.

"good evening, thalia" ashton speaks up from his desk, his voice having its usual hoarse sound to it. "you have a match in 4 weeks. you need to be trained for it properly and not on your own. i already organised a trainer for you" he informs me. my eyebrows furrow, a trainer?

"what do you mean? who is it?" i ask, my eyes scanning his face in hope to find an answer before he can tell me himself.

"his name is luke," he starts, "he won about a hundred matches in the past and he is a true professional, he'll be training you starting today. thats why i made you bring your gym clothes"

"but-" i stammer, "it's already dark outside? its almost 10 pm ashton" i huff out, lifting my hands in the air and falling back against the chair, looking him straight in the eyes.

"he only trains at night. so you better get used to it, lia"

prologue!!!! this story is gonna be so fun to write i cant i love this already.

question, do you want short or long chapters?

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