As they began to eat, each had their own bowl of rice, but they ate the other dishes family style, each dipping their spoons in the communal soup pot and reaching across the table to pick up bits of meat and vegetables with their chopsticks.

"Yeonjun, dude, why aren't you being Yeonttomeak?" Beomgyu asked with a grin. Turning to Luna, he said, "We call him that because he keeps eating again and again. This dude can pack away some food." Beomgyu suddenly became quiet when his eyes met Yeonjun's which were snapping with anger.

"You know I'm on a diet to be able to fit into my costume," Yeonjun replied in a growling tone.

Luna leaned over the table and pinched Yeonjun's cheek. "Aw, don't diet," she advised. "I don't want you to lose your precious little cheeks," she cooed.

Yeonjun's face went pink. "Well, I would hate to disappoint you, but I've been advised that I need to reduce my cheeks, both pairs of them," he clarified, slapping his own bottom.

"That's bullshit," Luna declared, suddenly standing. "Who told you that?" she demanded to know. "I'll take him down. Was it one of you?" Luna asked looking around at all the guys.

"No, it was someone from work," Yeonjun said, effectively exculpating his fellow bandmates.

"You know what I say when someone tells me to shrink my ass?" she asked rhetorically. "I tell 'em, 'If you don't like it, don't look at it!'" she declared, still standing beside the table.

Beomgyu reached up and tugged at her arm. "Sit back down. Don't get yourself in a huff about it," he said. "We all have to diet sometimes," he explained. "It happens to the best of us."

"Well, it's not right!" Luna declared with conviction. Finally, sitting down again, she added, "Our bodies have a certain weight that they try to maintain. If you lose too much weight, your body will keep struggling to bring you back to your baseline. It just seems like a lot of wasted effort. I mean, sure, eat nutritious food. That goes without saying, but to severely limit calories is a very dangerous and ridiculously stupid thing to do," she concluded, crossing her arms over her chest. "Prove me wrong! Go!" she challenged. Seeing that no one accepted her challenge, she finally relaxed her shoulders. From the corner of her eye, she saw Yeonjun slump a bit.

Later, as she was getting her shoes on to leave, Yeonjun stood at the door with her. "Hey, I didn't mean to offend you," Luna ventured. "I just think extreme dieting is dumb, but I wasn't saying you are dumb," she clarified.

"No, I know," he assured her. "I mean, yeah, the label asks us to stay at the same weight, but also, I feel uncomfortable with my body when I gain weight. I don't like to carry any extra weight on my butt because the internet trolls never cease to point out my growing 'cake'," Yeonjun replied, attempting a smile.

"Ha!" Luna scoffed. "Well, I say, 'Let them eat cake!'" she declared, raising her right fist in defiance. "If someone doesn't like my ass, I tell them to kiss it!" she continued. "Do you know how hard it is to go to a school full of skinny white girls when you have a trunk like mine? I mean white girls and Latinas just aren't built the same," she said. Yeonjun had no reply. He had never considered it as a racial issue before.

"I've got the same ass as every woman on the Mexican side of the family. To hate this ass is to hate all of their asses too. When I say bad things about my body, I'm criticizing all the women in my family too. And I can't bring myself to badmouth my aunts and cousins because they are some of the most beautiful women I know."

"I wouldn't doubt it," Yeonjun replied, openly admiring Luna's curves. Suddenly, Luna leaned in to give him his goodbye kiss on the cheek. Without warning, Yeonjun shifted his face so that her kiss landed right on his lips. Luna's eyes opened in surprise, but she didn't pull away. In fact, she leaned in closer. Yeonjun pulled her tightly against himself and deepened his kiss. His hands slowly traveled down her waist. He stopped his hands to rest them just above Luna's hips. She pulled away from the kiss and looked him in the eye.

"It's OK. I know you want to touch my ass," she told him.

"I mean, I wouldn't ---," Yeonjun began but never finished as Luna led his hands down and around her round bottom. He couldn't breath as he ran his hands almost worshipfully over her bottom.

"It's pretty spectacular, isn't it?" she whispered into his ear. With that, he groaned and kissed her unrestrainedly, gripping her bottom tightly in his hands. When he finally released her, she laughed softly against his neck. "I see you agree," she teased giving his bottom 

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