Chapter 9

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James Lavezzo

Thursday 1/29/2022 9:43 AM

To: Auden Fenn

Miss Fenn,

Please see the attached editable PDF enclosed and sign at your earliest convenience. It's just an electronic signature that states you have watched the training videos on your first day at CBC. State law requires that you do so within 30 days of starting employment at any company, and I will need to send that to the state as soon as possible. I thought I had sent it to you, but it appears it was sent back to me and to my spam folder because your email wasn't set up as of yet when I had forwarded it to you.

Jim Lavezzo

Personal Assistant

CB Construction

Office: 831-545-5556

Auden Fenn

Thursday 1/28/2022 10:01 AM

To: James Lavezzo

Mr. Lavezzo,

Thank you for the reminder. I didn't even realize I had yet to sign off on the videos. These are yearly, or simply a one-off? Asking for future caffeine preparation.

Auden Fenn

Clerk II

CB Construction

Office: 831-545-5510

James Lavezzo

Thursday 1/29/2022 10:52 AM

To: Auden Fenn

Miss Fenn,

Since you are an office worker and not expected to be in the field with the contractors and other staff like myself or Mr. Bennett, the safety video was only upon initial hire as per required by the state. If you were to be promoted, it would be taken under consideration if you needed to be reacquainted with the video.

Unfortunately, the other videos are a yearly occurrence and sometimes more often if the need arises. We've only had to show the cyber security video a few extra times a couple of years ago when there was a huge phishing scam going around. The servers at the time were being upgraded and there were several attacks on clerks in your position. No one bit, but we decided after that we would require its perusal once again. Since then, we've been golden, and you seem too smart to fall for most scams. Not to fatten your ego, but you're probably one of the more promising new clerks we've seen in years.

Oh, and by the way, there is another form I forgot, but that one can wait. It's just paperwork on photography inside the building, nothing too terribly horrible. We don't allow photographs from the press inside unless they sign papers allowing it. It's a private business, so we retain the rights to any photographs of workspaces and employees. We simply ask you to agree or disagree with being photographed. I'll send it along promptly.

Jim Lavezzo

Personal Assistant

CB Construction

Office: 831-545-5556

Auden Fenn

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