Red Spanex has never looked so good

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My teas gone cold and I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain fogs up my window and I can't sleep at all, even if I could it would all be grey, put your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad. Its not so bad.

I bopped along to the music on my headphones as I walked down the streets of Queens, I was on my way to a museum where that was showing an exhibition, I was interested in. It was supposed to be about space or something to do with the universe, I think. Either way, it sounded interesting.

I cast my gaze down to my phone and tried to find my ticket in my emails.

"-I'm telling you it's not there." A man stood nearby spoke on speakerphone as he tapped his phone in frustration.

"You need to go to your mail app, the one that looks like the envelope" the other person, a woman told him, and I felt a pang of sympathy for the young bloke.

"fucking thing" he cursed, eyebrows furrowing, and I approached him.

"hi," he looked up at me and I tried to give a friendly smile "I'm sorry, do you need a hand finding your ticket?"

"yes, he does!" the voice called through the phone and the bloke sighed, leaning his body so we could both peer at the screen. He had a weird phone, definitely not apple or android but it was all basically the same.

"okay, so this is the mail app" I pointed it out.

"it does look like an envelope" he muttered, clicking on it and it opened his emails.

"if you press the 'search' button and type in something generic like 'museum' or 'tickets' then it'll show you your emails with those words included." He did as I asked, going for 'tickets' and the email was the first to pop up.

"Did the lovely British lady help you find it?" I chuckled a little at the voice, the man next to me grumbling at her to shut up as he downloaded the ticket.

"and your all set" I smiled, and he sighed in relief, thanking me.

"So, I just show them this?"

"yeah, and they'll scan it and let you in."

"okay, thank you"

"no problem, have a nice day" I gave a little wave before heading into the museum, showing my E-ticket first.

Drawing was a good stress relief, if you knew how to just let your mind go that is. When people first start, they become obsessed with lines and making everything look perfect. But you have to realize art isn't perfect, it's just shapes and colours that make your brain go 'wow'.


"Jesus Christ" I jumped at the voice, a few of my pencils falling to the ground and the person quickly crouched down to grab them for me.

"sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" the man from earlier passed them back to me. "your arts really good"

"oh! Thanks. It's just a rough sketch" I covered it with my fingers as he took a seat on the bench next to me, looking up at the painting on the wall.

"So, what's a British kid doing in the middle of New York?"

"Attending high school" he seemed nice, I wasn't getting creep vibes and by the state of him earlier, I doubted that was his intention either. "how about you? You're a local?"

He smirked, looking back at me.

"you can't tell?"

"accents around here get confusing" I admitted, tapping a pencil against my arm.

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