Maybe a little flirting can get you places...

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"I'm home!" the smell of cooking wafted through the flat and I took a deep breath as I entered, feeling the cold ebb away as I took off my shoes and hung up my coat.

"Here she is" my nans smiling wrinkly face greeted me when I walked into the kitchen, kissing my cheek affectionately. "how was school?"

"good, good, how was your day?"

"I went to the shop this morning, picked up some of your favourite" I gasped, eyes landing on the bag she had left on the side, and she smiled at my reaction, continuing to stir the pot as I dug through it.

"Kinder!" a stash of kinder chocolate bars made me grin. They were hard to get here, because they were banned for a while, but this one little supermarket down the road still sold them. They were the shit. "thank you" I squealed, wrapping her in a hug from behind, she was quite a bit shorter than me and I had to be gentle.

"Go do your homework, I'll bring this in when it's ready"

God bless this woman, I did as she said, taking the Kinder with me and moving into my room.

I flopped onto my bed with a deep sigh, my body relaxing into sheets as I stared at the ceiling. I had a lot of energy today and I wanted to do something. But I wasn't sure what.

"maybe a bit of drawing?"

Yeah, that didn't do it. I spent an hour pulling my hair out trying to do a sketch, chewing my food unhappily as I frowned.

A: Hey, you up?

I stared at my phone for a second, contemplating deleting the text. I packed away my art stuff in the meantime, putting my hair up when it kept falling in my face.

Hello there...

The voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi made me jump onto my bed, looking at my notification.

Text from Pretty boy.

PB: It's only seven, why wouldn't I be up???

A: alright, you never know. Do you wanna go somewhere? I'm bored ☹

A: no pressure though 😊

P: You want me to pick you up?

A: It's okay, I can meet you at yours.

P: I'll be at yours in ten x bring a coat

A smile grew on my face, and I tried to calm myself.

Relax, it's just a friendly meet up. Act cool.

"where are you going?" Nan asked from her seat on the sofa, watching 'Don't tell the bride'.

"out, me and Peter are going to hang out" I checked my outfit in the mirror as I put my shoes on, fighting the urge to change once again. I had gone for casual, dark blue nike jumper with white joggers and trainers, but this wasn't a date, so it didn't matter.

She hummed approvingly and I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you bring him back here?"

"because we're going out, maybe next time"

"You should invite him and his Aunt around, I could make lasagna"

"I'll ask him, I'll text you when I'm on my way back, okay?" she nodded, and I cursed before quickly running to my room and spraying some perfume. "mind your language young lady"

"sorry nan, love you!"

"keep each other safe!" I took my keys and shut the door behind me. I hoped he was already downstairs, I always hated being first.

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