He walked right up to Mando, he was about a foot taller than him and he lent right into his helmet, causing him to look up at him. The man pulled a face and grunted at Mando as he examined him.

He began to walk around Mando. "So, this is a mandalorian. I thought they'd be bigger." Burg joked, causing the other men to laugh.

He then glanced over at me. "And what is this?" He stalked over to me and looked down. The man towered over my smaller frame. And I almost felt fearful.

"We don't need this...child to come with us." He mocked me.

"I'm not a child." I glared up at him.

Mando placed his hand on the man's shoulder and pushed him away from me. I shuffled closure to him with a look of gratitude in my eyes.

"Droids name is Zero." Mayfeld Said, gesturing to a droid

I signed as a droid with a blaster came walking over to them, this wasn't going to go over with Mando well.

"I thought you said you had four." Mando said

"He does." A woman's voice said. A twi'lek woman came from around a corner.

"Hello, Mando." She greeted him

"Xi'an." Mando replied

"Tell me why I shouldn't cut you down where you stand." She taunted him. She then lunged forward and held her knife to Mando's throat.

I quickly reached for my blaster and pulled it out of its holster. "back off." I narrowed my eyes at the woman. My chest twisted in anger at her amused expression.

The woman laughed in response. "Whose this Mando? New girlfriend?" She backed off slightly but I did not waver

"I missed you." Xi'an sighed at him. "This is shiny. You wear it well" She referred to his armor. My eyes flickered between the two with furrowed brows...they didn't used to date, right?

"Do we need to leave the room or something?" Mayfield asked

I felt my chest tighten at his comment and their interactions. I held tightly to my blaster as I lowered it back down to my side and placed it back in its holster.

The feeling continued to grow the longer Xi'an stood closely to Mando. It was like the feeling I felt around Omera, only worse. It was mixed with a certain resentment that I couldn't place. I never felt anger towards Omera. But this woman is a different story.

"Well, Xi'an's been a little heartbroken since Mando left our group." Ran said

"Aw. You gonna be okay, sweetheart?" Mayfeld mocked her

"Oh, I'm all business now. Learned from the best." Xi'an said as she eyed Mando. 

"All right, lovebirds. Break it up till you get on the ship. Right now we don't have much time." Ran ushered them to follow him.

Xi'an turned her head and winked at Mando as she walked away. I tightened my fists as the feeling of anger rose in me again.

"She's...delightful." I muttered. Mando sighed and went to reply when Burg came up to Mando and stood in his face again.

He grunted and looked between the both of us. "Tiny."

I sighed and walked around the larger man, I headed towards the rest of the group reluctantly, I was resisting the urge to hop in the crest and fly off, I can pick up Mando once he's done here.

But the droid zero had already gone into the Crest to check the systems and the controls. And besides, I'd never leave Mando behind. He was my partner, and my friend. No matter the cost to my sanity.

Across the Universe | D. Djarin Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя