Chapter 2

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Lesso POV:

"That was  a disaster" I quietly sighed as I rubbed the area of my head that was giving me a headache.

"It could have gone worse" Dovey said whilst cautiously placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"How could it have gone worse, Dovey?! Two students think they are in the wrong schools, which they clearly are, which means the blame will go to one of us and we both know he likes you more. Cause you're good!"

"He doesn't like me that, much more" Dovey replied

I rolled my eyes "And now I have to go deal with the reader, teach my classes and sort out  a single-armed cyclops! I know they like having one eye but having two parts of you which there is only one of, is going to really hinder him from becoming the amazing villain he used to have potential for!"

"I'm sorry that you have so much to deal with today, Lesso. If there's anything you need help with I'm here and happy to help. Don't suffer alone." Her friendly smile and kind eyes looked into mine for a second, whilst I was considering her assistance.  Lesso you're evil snap out of it. You don't need help! I groaned before walking a few paces towards the hall then stopping to look back at the slightly shocked looking Dovey "Excuse me, I have a lot of work to do"

I felt slightly bad about not accepting Dovey's help, in fairness she would have helped a lot but of course I'm too stubborn to accept it. Now what do I deal with first. That was when the bell rang. Dammit I'm going to have to teach. Luckily, it's not Sophie's class. Those monsters are later. 


Dovey's POV:

I stood there slightly hurt that Lesso didn't accept my help. I know I'm good and that I don't exactly fit in on the Evil castle but I am good at helping. The bell rang loudly. I had a free hour and knew I could spend it in a better way than on my looks. I am going to help Lesso whether she likes it or not! I quickly left the Good castle and across the halfway bridge. As soon as I passed the Headmaster's tower it suddenly got colder. I always forget that it's colder over here, I should have brought a coat with me. When I reached Evil's castle I was met with two wolf guards blocking the entrance. 

"Please could you kindly let me through?" I politely asked. 

"Good doesn't belong over here, leave before we inform the Dean" One wolf stated, trying to seem tough. He didn't scare me.

"Let me through now or I will turn you both into tulips and plant you into the good gardens!" I demanded.

They quickly looked at each other and instantly moved out of the way. I made my way through the door, my gold dress and cheery personality stood out like a sore thumb. As I made my way through the eerie and chilly corridors. I was given many looks of disgust, hatred and confusion. I keep walking though not taking much notice of them. I hadn't been in the Evil castle much, mainly due to its temperature but I roughly made my way around the castle to the medical room. The cyclops was laid on a broken, old bed. Honestly Lesso, couldn't you have at least made the recovery room a little more comfortable. The cyclops noticed me and instantly sat up and edged away from me. "Don't worry, I'm here to help. Now do you know where Lady Lesso is keeping your arm?" I enquired. He nodded his head.

"It's in the doom room, It's coldest down there." He answered nervously.

"I'll be back. Don't move" I ordered as I glided out of the room and towards the general area of the school I suspected the 'doom room' to be in. I had heard tales of this room being used to punish students and some teachers if they really pissed off Lesso. Never have I ever been down there myself and to be honest I'm glad. It's terribly cold. 

I opened the barred door to the Doom Room and looked around. There was a chair with restraints attached, a small window which lit up the room just enough to be able to see but not enough to light up the shadowy corners of the room. I noticed a box at the side, it had a very large arm resting on it. How hygienic it wasn't even covered up! I grabbed the arm and stared at the rack of weapons that stood to the left of the chair. Axes, maces, knives, whips and so much more. "Woah" I whispered. As I observed and touched the weapons. I wondered which one is her favourite. I wonder what they feel like? "Ahh shit!" I quickly pulled my hand back looking at the blood which was now falling down the side of my finger. It looked worse than it actually was but that was enough for me to turn around and swiftly head back to the cyclops with his arm. 

It didn't take long to  reach the recovery room. "This may sting a little, sorry" I grabbed a needle and some thread. I used my power to sterilise the needle in my fire. Who knows where it has been! I threaded the thread through the eye of the needle and started sewing the arm back onto the cyclops. "AHHHHH!!!" he screamed followed by many "OWWWWW!"s. 

"It will be over soon then you can properly recover, just breathe" As I finished the last few stitches the cyclops still screaming, I felt a pair of eyes staring at the back of me. Followed by a light chuckle. Lesso. 

"I'm impressed Princess, never thought an Ever would torture a Never. I thought it must have been a student." I glared at her briefly before answering.

"I'm not torturing him. I'm helping him, now could you kindly shut up for a second I need to concentrate." She didn't respond but I could feel her eyes still staring at me. I shook my head before going back to the now stitched arm. I gathered all my power and channelled it towards his arm. The abundance of light around him made the cyclops close his eyes.  "All done. Now get some rest, you can return to your lessons tomorrow morning"

He looked for approval of this demand from Lesso. Who replied with "What she said" Lesso turned to me "A word"

I obediently followed her into the hallway. "Why did you do that!?" She yelled.

"Because you have enough on your plate and I knew I could help him and you"

"I told you not too!" She stepped forward closing the distance between us. My heart started fluttering, what is she doing to me?!

"And I know you're too stubborn to ask for help. Even if you're drowning in tasks. Guess what Lesso. I'm stubborn too, so the next time I ask to help you. You're going to accept it, if not I'll do it anyway!"

She looked a little surprised at what I had just demanded but that surprised face quickly changed into a low chuckle and an evil grin. She moved closer and I tried stepping back but was met with the wall. She put one hand above my shoulder and leaned in so her mouth was next to my ear. I could feel her warm breaths down my neck. I unconsciously shivered. "Hmm Princess. I thank you for what you did today but if you ever tell me what to do again. I will drag you to my Doom Room and make you regret you ever met me. I do believe you became accompanied with my Doom Room earlier, isn't that right?" She grinned noticing my rapid heart pace and quick breaths. "You don't want to go back there do you" She chuckled in a low pitch which made my stomach twist "Or perhaps you do".

She stood back observing the nervous wreck she had created in front of her. "Not so tough now Dove, are you?" As if on queue the bell rang. "I have a class to teach and so do you, farewell Dove"

I watched in awe as she strode away, her heels clicking against the stone floors. She looked majestic  SNAP OUT OF IT CLARRISSA! She's a Never, you are an Ever. Now go teach!

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{1446 Words} Author note: Hope you are enjoying the story so far!

A. Valentine

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