Chapter Thirty Four

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"We need to go. Luna needs our help!" Was all she said, before she dragged him along and back to the Entrance where Luna was going to meet them.

"Bloody hell, Hermione! What's gotten into you?" Ron shook his head as he stretched out his robes. Ron had always been slightly clueless and slow at picking up situations, so Hermione briefly explained to him that Harry might be in danger and that Luna may be too. She, however, ruled out mentioning anything about Draco. 

Ron suddenly gulped and widened his eyes slightly understanding that by helping his friends out, his own life may be in danger as well.

"As long as there aren't any spiders involved." He muttered rubbing his eyes.

Hermione sounded appalled and had smacked him across his shoulder. "Ronald Weasley, how could you be so careless. So what if there were spiders, would you not want to save your friends?"

"Blimey 'Mione, I was just kidding!"

Hermione only looked frustrated and didn't make any other remark. Maybe, the idea that her friends could be in grave danger was worrying her. The thought that it was likely to involve You-Know-Who was unsettling her and was taking her worry and anger out on Ron. But of course, Hermione wasn't up to admitting that.


Snape hesitated for a brief moment but raised his wand nonetheless.

"Avada Kedavra." The words were simple. Snape had muttered them with a sheath of confidence. Harry heard the words, and flinched at the sound; his hands were still firm around Luna. He, however, felt betrayed. Harry Potter could not comprehend how the one person that Dumbledore trusted the most, could drive a dagger to his back and deceive him. Potter, was raging. How did it all come to be?

Draco's eyes were momentarily blinded from the blast of green light that flooded the room. Dumbledore flew backwards and over the railing of the tower. Snape stayed frozen on the spot as the other Death Eaters raced to the railing and looked over the side. His body was still falling, arms outstretched, as if begging for someone to catch him; but no one could reach out to save him. Dumbledore's face betrayed no emotion; his electric blue eyes seemed dulled.

Bellatrix gave a roar of delight as she cast the Dark Mark into the sky above the spire. At that moment, Harry knew he had to escape. He pulled Luna along and walked down the spiral staricase, quickly but steadily.

As they exited th tower, Hermione spotted them straight away. She had been keeping a lookout for quite a while now, and as she noticed the distraught look on Luna's face she couldn't help but rush towards her and help her along.

"Hermione, look after her." Harry quikly told her as he carefully handed Luna to his best friend. Harry looked at Luna pitifully before turning on his heel and about to head back to the tower.

"You're not going out there alone." Luna managed to speak up, her voice a bit hoarse from the crying but her eyes all the more presistent.

"You two are not going anywhere!" Ron spoke up, as he noticed the alarmed look printed on Hermione's beautiful and oh so gentle face.

The Death Eaters, who were still at the top of the Astronomy Tower practically dragged Draco away from the railing, but he shook them off and continued on his own. They walked down the phoenix staircase, Snape in the lead. Terrified of the circumstances, Draco walked with them, his mind bellowing in horror as he walked out of the tower avoiding the tears that were threatening to run down his pale face.

He should have felt relieved that the task was now over. Even though, Draco hadn't managed to carry it out himself, the anxiety inside him should have now somewhat vanished. But it hadn't. Draco felt even more uneased now that Luna had not only found out what had troubled him all this time, but witnessed it whith her own tender eyes.

His Greatest Emotion [Druna, Harry Potter]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ